My Brilliant Friend: Season 4 Episode 5 “Chapter 29: The Break” – Recap and Review

As Lila gives birth, a possible tragedy strikes at the worst time as her body tries to regulate the rush of hormones she is feeling.

Originally Aired  October 7, 2024
Network  HBO/ Max  
Director(s)  Laura Bispuri
Writer(s)  Elena Ferrante, Francesco Piccolo, Laura Paolucci, Saverio Costanzo
PeppeLucio Provenza
ElenaAlba Rohrwacher
AlfonsoRenato De Simone
MicheleEdoardo Pesce
LilaIrene Maiorino
NinoFabrizio Gifuni
ElisaClaudia Tranchese
MarceloLino Musella
ImmacolataAnnarita Vitolo

Storyline Recap

Always An Outsider – Peppe, Elena, Alfonso, Michele, Lila

Elena might be aware that things aren’t great in the neighborhood, but this has been mainly third-party information. However, after seeing Peppe selling drugs, Michele and Alfonso’s dynamic, paired with him hanging around to see Lila, Elena gets to see things firsthand. However, while she has so many questions, Lila desires to keep her multiple degrees separate from everyone’s nonsense.

Is This The Man Of My Dreams – Nino, Elena

Elena is the first one to give birth, and it unfortunately happens on a night when Elena sends Nino away because their situation frustrated her. Luckily, she is able to get a neighbor to watch the girls and Pietro, who is a saint, to get them later.

As for the delivery? From what is seen, there aren’t any complications, and she delivers a healthy girl named Immacolata after her mother.

It All Comes Crashing Down – Lila, Elena, Nino, Elisa, Marcelo, Immacolata

Sadly, not too long after Elena returns home with mini-Immacolata, later nicknamed Imma, she gets a call from Lila that the adult Immacolata wants to see her. As you can imagine, it is bad timing. Elena is more high off of hormones than frustrated, especially since Nino is around. However, what goes from an impromptu meeting of the baby leads to Immacolata bleeding, Nino and Lila going to the hospital with her, and Elena being left alone.

With her hormones pumping, jealousy enters her brain, and Elena begins to think of every glance and subtle touch that Lila and Nino could be sharing. Then, by calling Elisa to let her know what happened to their mother, Marcelo gets involved, and everything goes from bad to worse.

Lino Musella as Marcelo

Elena not only has Lila and Nino being together on the brain, but then her mother bleeding randomly, and now Marcelo demanding to move her or else he’ll break someone’s legs. It is all too much, and Elena just gives in to Marcelo even though it upsets Nino.

But what does Elena care? She has this new kid, the father is spending time with her best friend, who he used to be with, and when he comes back home and learns Lila stayed with Immacolata for the night, he asks about how Lila is before Elena or her mother.

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Why is Elena still fiercely jealous of Lila?

What Could Happen Next?

  1. Elena accuses Nino and Lila of doing something.



Lila’s Friendship In The Face Of Elena’s Envy

It’s understood that Elena would be envious of Lila, for she has a lot of what she does, but it is more tangible. Elena may have influence, but Lila is looked upon highly in the neighborhood, even by Elena’s own mother. Elena may have a notable education, but what does she own? Who does she employ? Lila, who hasn’t had the privilege of a proper education, owns an advanced business that is the envy of the neighborhood, and every parent wants their kid to work with Lila. Add on Lila is a beautiful woman, and you get it.

Yet, despite Elena’s envy, you don’t see Lila mess with her that much. It seems she even tries to forego lying to her like she does to everyone else to prove to Elena she is special. Heck, she stayed with Elena’s mom, who you know used to talk about her like a dog, just because that is Elena’s mother and she is part of her community.

This is all to say Elena doesn’t deserve Lila, and it is sad that they are still struggling to be friends, mainly because Elena may not know how to be.

A Reminder That Nino Has A History Of Abandoning Kids

Every now and then, Elena comes up for air and reminds herself Nino isn’t simply imperfect but a bit of a bastard, and an example of this is him abandoning his son Mirko. Silva, who assumingly is still alive, seems to still be raising Nino’s son, Mirko, without his assistance, and Nino being who he is, he doesn’t like confrontation. He especially doesn’t like accountability, so he questions why a topic is being brought up, with the animosity, and it reminds you of everything Elena was warned about Nino and what was said about Nino’s father.


It’s established that Pietro seems to have a girlfriend now, but you really have to give it to a man who can co-parent and be Elena’s friend despite how their marriage ended. He cares about her, her mother, doesn’t seem to drag the kids into the mess they had, and honestly, is far more mature than expected.

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My Brilliant Friend: Season 4 Episode 5 "Chapter 29: The Break" - Review

Title: My Brilliant Friend: Season 4 Episode 5 "Chapter 29: The Break"

Description: As Lila gives birth, a possible tragedy strikes at the worst time as her body tries to regulate the rush of hormones she is feeling.

Date Released: October 7, 2024

Episode number: 5

Part of season: 4

Part of series: My Brilliant Friend

Author: Amari Allah

Production company: HBO

Director(s): Laura Bispuri


Genre: Drama, Non-English (Italian)


As Elena’s old envy or jealousy of Lila arises, paired with her mistrust of Nino, so comes the question of will she see the light or continue to lie to herself just because the lie is easier to live with?

  • Lila's Friendship In The Face Of Elena's Envy - 82%
  • A Reminder That Nino Has A History Of Abandoning Kids - 81%
  • Pietro - 83%
User Review
0/100 (0 votes)


  • Pietro
  • A Reminder That Nino Has A History Of Abandoning Kids
  • Lila’s Friendship In The Face Of Elena’s Envy


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