Industry: Season 3 Episode 8 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

“Industry” sticks the landing on one of its biggest seasons and while the season finale can operate as a series finale, HBO has already ordered more to come.

Storyline Recap

The Would-Be Saviors – Eric, Wilhemina

The combination of Eric and Wilhemina, originally, seemed to be a hit. Eric was able to do the passionate speeches and use his charisma to both charm Al’Mi-raj and cool the tempers of the many PierPoint employees. All the while, Wilhemina seemingly backed him when possible, allowing him to be the face as she worked behind the scenes.

I Can Make People Feel Loved – Yasmin, Robert, Henry, Lord Norton, Rose

Yasmin is at a point where she is less worried about what people think about her and more about what she needs to do to not only survive, but also maintain the lifestyle she has enjoyed. So while Robert is lovely, and she finally shags him, ultimately she decides to give into Lord Norton’s subtle push for her to be with Henry.

After all, with her willingness to expose Rose and the publishing house, if they don’t pay the victims and find another scapegoat, she has reached a point of no return. So, minas well settle, in more ways than one, and have a comfortable life, than have to deal with Rose trying to destroy her, her reputation, being in massive debt, all to say she didn’t screw the same women her dad did.

Now, as for how Robert feels? Honestly, he seems fine. He accepts, and understands, what Yasmin chose, and with the opportunity to go to America and Henry signing off as one of Little Labs’ investors, her having sex with him was a nice send off.

Like A Shark In Bloody Water – Otto, Petra, Harper, Rishi, Sweetpea, Anraj

Despite the trouble Harper seemed to be in, Otto has no issue with her. Her doesn’t like Petra was a tattle tale, but it helps him see the difference between the two and he basically lays out an offer for Harper to be his successor. She, of course, is flattered, but it seems she isn’t ready to go from some semblance of sharing the #1 spot to becoming some type of #2. Never mind, Otto remains a stranger and Harper wants to see what he does for Aurora before she gets involved. After all, Harper may have an enjoyment for risks, but she likes ones with a level of assurance.

This is unlike Rishi who decides, despite Eric’s speech, to basically blow up on the mic thinking that Harper has a job for him. However, Harper really just wanted to embarrass Rishi. She hired Sweetpea and Anraj, and both got to see Rishi be humbled and then beg for his debt requires him to be active and take risks to not only pay off any debt accumulated but maintain his high.

Sadly for him, Harper remembers how Rishi and Eric screwed her over and decides this is the perfect time to get her lick back.

6 Months Later (Downfall) – Rishi, Diana, Vinay, Eric, Wilhemina

After 6 months, PierPoint got stripped as was feared and Eric finds himself laid off. Mind you, with a payment of 20 million over 48 months in cash. Sadly, Bill doesn’t have the ability to say “I told you so” since he died, but Wilhemina is there to help Eric transition, as she has found a way to keep her job.

Rishi has less softer downfall as he has clearly downsized his life and we learn from Vinay that Rishi is half a million pounds in debt. When Diana learns this, she goes off more on Vinay than Rishi and to much shock, Vinay murders her and leaves Rishi with the mess.

6 Month Later (Rising) – Otto, Harper, Yasmin, Alondra, Robert

Harper still flirts with the idea of being Otto’s official underling as you see her potentially growing bored with her current setup and being between wanting a challenge or something with consistent stimulation. But, as she flirts with increased power, Yasmin is preparing for marriage, calling Harper to see if she’ll come, and it seems with both of them living in their truth, they have reconciled. If not, at the very least, Yasmin has decided to move on and Harper sees the wedding as a networking opportunity.

But, while Yasmin may smile at Harper’s voice, Alondra, the woman who her dad was having sex with, while she was pregnant, does not make Yasmin smile. She pushes the idea Charles didn’t just pay off grown women, but also teenagers, and she even pushes the idea that maybe Yasmin was taken advantage of by one of Charles’ peers. Tears flow, which push the idea this is possible, but with crossing the line, while Alondra may have been made Yasmin’s assistant to keep her quiet, now she is being dismissed.

As for Robert? He has cash infusions from Henry and others in Henry’s network, and is looking for others and it seems he is using what he learned at PierPoint to do good and is far more confidant selling Little Labs to people than any trade he was tasked with.

Collected Quote(s)

  • Otto: […] it’s probably more shameful to trust our friends, than to be deceived by them.

New Character Descriptions

Angela Sant’Albano As Alondra Galperin-Diaz

Angela Sant’Albano As Alondra Galperin-Diaz

Alondra is one of the many Charles paid off in his lifetime to keep quiet about the sex they had, if not for sex. But, Alondra is a special case since she was on the boat the day Charles drowned and could link Yasmin to her dad’s death, making her a very dangerous woman.

Where To Watch This:



Works Just As Well As a Season Finale As It Could A Series Finale

The season finale walks the line between setting up a rather wild future, with the fall of PierPoint, and almost everyone who worked there moving on, to potentially being the end of the show. In many ways, it is understandable why they did this. “Industry” has never been a ratings hit and while it has gained notable attention in season 3, previous to this, it was neglected by all major award shows, both in the US and UK. I’d even submit, if this wasn’t a BBC One and HBO shared production, it may not have made it this far.

Thankfully though, even with a lot of storylines seemingly reaching their end, HBO renewed “Industry” for a fourth season. Now, as shown by “Euphoria,” another season can be ordered and delayed multiple times, to the point of questioning if it may happen. But, this is HBO and if “Industry” can get not only critical acclaim but awards, HBO may give Mickey Down and Konrad Kay the same leniency Sam Levinson has.

That aside, I appreciate with that with how often shows get cancelled nowadays, the creators didn’t operate as a renewal was guaranteed and left us with an ending that left room for a future but also could be a definitive end.

Diana’s Death & Rishi’s Downfall

Of all the characters, only Rishi really took a major hit after the events of the season. In some ways, it feels right since Rishi was the one who didn’t show any sort of grey or redeemable qualities compared to the rest. Even Harper, for all the damage she does, shows signs of gray. She can reconcile with Yasmin, even be there in her time of need, took on Sweetpea after trying to use her for insider trading, and so many other situations where she burnt someone and then put out an olive branch months, if not years later.

Rishi didn’t do that. His selfishness was raw and for his gambling addiction, he’d screw over anyone, including Eric and is wife. So to see him hit such a low, and even be a witness to his wife’s murder? Oh, that was something. It was the type of moment that was very out of character for “Industry” and mixes the question of what could come next while making you wonder if this is the end for the character.

General Information

Episode Title

Infinite Largesse

Release Date

September 29, 2024


HBO/ Max


Mickey Down, Konrad Kay


Mickey Down, Konrad Kay

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Industry: Season 3 Episode 8 - Recap/ Review

Title: Industry: Season 3 Episode 8

Description: “Industry” sticks the landing on one of its biggest seasons and while the season finale can operate as a series finale, HBO has already ordered more to come.

Date Released: September 29, 2024

Episode number: 8

Part of season: 3

Part of series: Industry

Author: Amari Allah

Production company: HBO

Director(s): Mickey Down, Konrad Kay

Genre: Drama


“Industry” really is a reminder of not only HBO’s legacy as quality over quantity, but why so many clamor for shows to be given time to find their rhythm and their audience. Now, while “Industry” hasn’t become a ratings blockbuster, by any metric, at the very least, its creators are in a full strut at this point and have either peaked, or may still have a mountain to climb with this show.

  • Diana’s Death & Rishi’s Downfall - 82%
  • Works Just As Well As a Season Finale As It Could A Series Finale - 88%
User Review
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  • Diana’s Death & Rishi’s Downfall
  • Works Just As Well As a Season Finale As It Could A Series Finale


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