1. Amari Nicholas here and thanks for your review albeit rightfully cynical toward this, what POSSIBLY might be the last episode of Good Behavior: but it’s not and I think Chad knows it thus the open ending.

    Overall, it is about what we expected after the previous episode: Javier cleaning up, Letty freaking out, Christina being corny and Lashear being, well, obnoxious as always. The characters in GB have become cartoon characters of themselves.

    Still, I liked it and thought it was fast paced and didn’t drag, maybe too fast paced.

    I thought that the security guy’s talking ghost routine was silly, and Brian Baumgartner was such an oaf in The Office it’s hard to be scared by him and it was a distraction to Letty’s meltdown.

    And yes, the whole driving around with two dead bodies in a van and pulling up to the storage unit while the cops are taking out two other dead bodies to retrieve cocaine just a bit unbelievable, especially for the very cautious Javier.

    So yes, we see Letty & Javier on their way to LA to sell the cocaine, but HOW are they doing that (selling grams at truck stops along the way?) they had no money because Letty gave hers away after the “accident” (another unbelievable segment). And how do they expect to unload cocaine in LA with no connections?

    So bring it on a year from now: I’ll watch, just to see Letty’s (Michelle Dockery) fine ass, beautiful face and incredible acting. How Dockery is able to have a Southern accent when she sounds so darn British in real life reminds me of Charlie Hunan (sp) who played Jax Teller in Sons of Anarchy who sounded just like a California boy when he too has a stong English accent. In the meantime, I got Netflix password from a friend recently and am preparing to binge watch Dockery in “Godless”: wonder what accent she will have in that Western?

    Thanks again for your web site Amari.

    BTW: Did you ever cover another TNT show, “Animal Kingdom”?

  2. Agree wholeheartetly with the review and the comment from Danman. Way too much suspension of disbelief required here.

    Looking back, the season was kind of sloppy. It bounced around erratically, dabbled too much in comedy and tossed in a bit of Teo now and then for some very weak mystery and menace.

    The cast was always good though, especially Michelle Dockery who was outstanding throughout.

    Not sure if I’ll really mind if it’s not renewed.

    Enjoyed readind the reviews. Good luck with your projects.

    1. Completely agree – To think how promising the show started …

      I’m not really opposed to a third season, a lot of the first 1 and 1/2 seasons was pretty good after all (being able to suspend some disbelief was always necessary though). I’m pessimistic that the writers can turn the show around after so much unrealistic BS but would be willing to give the show one last shot in a third season.

      Same as you I really enjoy the acting, especially Dockery is in top form. The actors desperately need better material though.

  3. Wow, seems your critique points where the same as mine when watching season 2’s finale.

    I really don’t like how they “resolved” this murder problem and if at least Letty doesn’t get onto a wanted list next season – if there is one – I don’t think I could take the show seriously anymore (which the show often makes hard enough already anyways).

    There was suspicious and conspicous behavior everywhere:
    As you said, the house where the murder victim was last seen, was in Letty’s name. Also, the house is empty now because she suspiciously ran away. Letty and Javier had a highly conspicuous car chase, she bolted from the scene of the ensuing accident after giving the other driver 4.000 bucks despite him admitting right out that the accident was his fault. And she was seen in the victim’s vehicle thus can be described by the driver of the van of the same security firm.

    There is a police file about Letty, they have her fingerprints which will be all over in the damaged car left behind. In the real world she’d be first suspect when the driver doesn’t turn up, even more so when they find the burnt down rest of the van/bodies – Letty saying the police would believe this story about a concocted affair the security guy supposedly run away for (from?) or killed himself for (out of guilt?) doesn’t make it any true.

    Also, the incoherent camping silver tongue crap she gave the cop at the storage unit about needing clothes at 3am in the morning was totally unbelievable imo. One really has to suspend disbelief that this woman always gets away with every shenanigang with everybody always believing everything she says.

    I’m also disappointed the Argentina idea didn’t come to fruition (good point about budget constraints though) and same as you am afraid that season 3 would just be repetition in a new environment.

    Especially after reading this interview from EW with Chad Hodge, Co-Producer of Good Behavior (on http://ew.com/tv/2017/12/17/good-behavior-season-2-finale-postmortem-chad-hodge/) where he says, for example: “They’re (Letty & Javier) pretty all in now, until the next thing happens. Because they’ve been all in before, and then bad things happen and they pull away from each other.” The way I read this, it just sounds that they obviously just will stumble from one terrible situation in the next, stumble out somehow, back to start, same scenario again. The show needs a shake up though, I don’t think repetition is the way to go. Hope I’m underestimating the writers and they can crawl out of this hole they dug in the 2nd half of this season.

    Anyway, thanks Amir for your great reviews. Despite my criticism I’m still hoping for a turnaround, a third season renewal and the continuation of your Good Behavior recaps/reviews ? next year.

    P. S.: There’s an error in the 1st paragraph in “Where to from here”. It says: “(…) it means that Letty and Christian have to sell all that cocaine” while it’s Letty and Javier. Also, while I’m already at it, it’s worst instead of worse in the 1st sentence. Sorry, guess I can’t help myself ?

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