Bad Monkey: Season 1 Episode 9 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Excerpt In its penultimate episode, “Bad Monkey” leaves you questioning if this will have a second season because of the build up you see.

Storyline Recap

This Prison Thing Is A Bit Long, Isn’t It? – Thomas, Bonnie

While Bonnie wanted to be held accountable for what she did, 8 years in a federal prison was too long. So, Bonnie being Bonnie, she seduced a young correctional officer named Thomas and broke out.

This Is Going Well – Yancy, Rosa, Eve, Eggs

Originally, when Rosa learned Eve wanted to hasten things and have her go with them to Miami, her and Yancy thought this was great. Later they find out Eve learned that Rosa was undercover, but luckily for her, Eggs wasn’t told to immediately kill her but to take her away. The expectation was for Yancy to show up and for him to be handled properly this time.

Fancy Seeing You Here – Gracie, Ya-Ya, Yancy, Neville, Nacheline

But, how would Yancy even learn Rosa was in trouble? Gracie. Even though she was trying to escape the island with stolen money, the island wouldn’t let her leave. Ya-Ya warned her of this, but you know Gracie is hard headed.

However, with seeing Neville and Yancy, it started to get into Gracie’s head that Ya-Ya wasn’t speaking a bunch of nonsense but the truth. So while Yancy is off trying to be a hero, Gracie was originally going to continue to find a way to get off the island. However, then a woman, who we later learn is her mother Nacheline’s ghost, talks to her, and has her walk her from the bar to her grave, all while giving Gracie the love and attention she has longed for from her. She even apologizes, seemingly for drinking herself to death, before she goes back and lays herself to rest.

I’m Fine – Rosa, Eggs, Neville, Yancy, Eve, Nick

Despite Eggs’ reputation, nothing happened or happens to Rosa. She does find a gun Yancy left in her pocket, Neville’s gun to be exact, and shoots Eggs. But, unlike past instances where he came roaring back, we don’t see any signs of him getting his revenge.

Lest we forget though, this is the penultimate episode and it isn’t clear if Yancy may get another case to cover season 2. So, while Nick gets the drop on Yancy as he looks for Rosa, thanks to Eve’s dog, and then Neville, Nick ends up stabbed in the back, likely near an artery, and this allows Yancy and Neville to get away and eventually reunite with Rosa.

Meanwhile, Eve is freaking out since they don’t have a doctor on staff to do anything and with Eve pulling the weapon out, Nick is bleeding out.

The Ultimatum – Gracie, Eve, Yancy, Rosa, Clasper, Nick

With Nick in the state he is in, and it even more dangerous to stay on the island, it is agreed between Yancy and Rosa to go see Clasper to get off the island. However, Yancy worries that if he leaves, Eve and Nick may disappear. So, while Rosa issues a ultimatum, for things have gotten a bit too real for her, Yancy decides to stay as Clasper and Rosa head to Miami.

As that happens, Eve is desperate for help regarding Nick and when she sees Gracie, who has returned to Dragon Queen mode after everything that has happened, she is elated. However, Gracie is ready for karma to bite them both in the ass and Eve is stunned and livid that Gracie isn’t doing as she is told. But, with no weapons and at a stand off, the two are at a crux where Nick’s life is on the line and the storm has the potential to have both ladies lose their lives as well.

New Character Descriptions

Nicolas Sellar As Tomas

Tomas is a correctional officer that Bonnie seduces.

Meggie Cherilus As Nacheline Swain

Nacheline is Gracie’s mother who died when she was a child.



Setting Up A Notable Finale

It isn’t clear yet whether “Bad Monkey” will have its season or series finale in the next episode. However, with the way things have been laid out, you can’t deny it won’t be epic. Gracie and Eve facing off in the rain? Questioning if Rosa and Yancy may reconcile? What about Nick? Will he bleed out or be brought to justice? Will Yancy get him in time, or the FBI? Heck, could we learn Nick is a FBI informant?

So much could be revealed and with the book “Bad Monkey” is based on not having a sequel? Well, unless a Carl Hiaasen universe gets made, there is a lot to cover.

On The Fence

Feeling That Gracie Seeing Her Mother Should Have Been More Emotional

Considering Gracie has turned her back on her grandmother, didn’t know her mother, and her ghost’s impact led Gracie to do a 180, I feel like the appearance should have done something more. Part of the issue could be that not enough time was put into Gracie’s family dynamic. We got one scene explaining what happened, and that’s it. We didn’t get any scenes of Gracie hearing about her mom, talking about her, so while this moment could have been big, it fell flat.

General Information

Episode Title

You Really Don’t Want To Kill This Scrumptious Little Puppy

Release Date

October 1st, 2024


Apple TV Plus


Sam Jones


Matt Tarses

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