It is a question of human prosperity and survival vs. demon dignity. Of which Azazel calls for vengeance, Charoice for continued domination and Kaisar for peace. All the while, the Angels get ignored. The Demon Rebellion/ Appealing to the King: Azazel, Nina, Mugaro, Charoice, Kaisar Azazel makes it clear to his new followers that using…

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It is a question of human prosperity and survival vs. demon dignity. Of which Azazel calls for vengeance, Charoice for continued domination and Kaisar for peace. All the while, the Angels get ignored.

The Demon Rebellion/ Appealing to the King: Azazel, Nina, Mugaro, Charoice, Kaisar

Azazel makes it clear to his new followers that using the powers of the Red Dragon, he shall reclaim their dignity and freedom. Meanwhile, as he proclaims this, Nina comes to the defense of demon slaves being mistreated by their master. Though it is Mugaro who frees them and thus allows their revenge.

However, despite the conditions of demons, and the troubles and deaths they’ll likely soon cause, Charoice isn’t worried. Heck, he perhaps looks forward to their uprising. If only because the death of demons, and the destruction of their capital, made this child who was the son of a concubine a king. So no matter how Kaisar may speak on peace and harmony, there can be none. For if it were possible it would have long existed, rather than man being in the position demons are now.


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It really is a complex issue when you think about it, especially if you watched parts of the Genesis season [note]Which I’m only half way through[/note]. For considering man was the playthings of both angels and demons, you can understand Charoice’s reasoning for wanting to turn the page. Yet it isn’t like he broke the wheel and ended the cycle. If anything, he just pushed humanity from being part of the wheel kissing the dirt and carrying the weight of the world. But what I perhaps find the most interesting is that I can picture, if Jeanne D’Arc joined him, Charoice subjecting angels to this treatment too.

Especially since, with it being revealed that he is the son of a concubine, you realize he is deeply in need of proving himself. Yet, at the same time, look at Kaisar. A young man from a disgraced family now heading one of the most prestigious military groups within the kingdom. He too fought face to face with demons, like Azazel, and yet has compassion. Be it because he actually walks the streets, has been exposed to the extent demons are treated, or simply because he didn’t put away his humanity for the sake of survival.

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However, considering Azazel, the one who bowed to man, is the last great demon, it seems, and he will be highly reliant on Nina, and likely Mugaro, can he really rise up against Charoice? To me, the problem is going to be that neither Nina nor Mugaro are demons. It isn’t clear what dragon hybrids are considered and arguably Nina isn’t really for killing people, in my mind. Does she like civility and justice? Yes. However, shedding blood for such a goal I can’t imagine her taking part in. Mugaro as well. For he, or she depending on who you ask [note]Nina refers to Mugaro as she and Bacchus as a he [/note], didn’t even participate during Azazel’s Rag Demon phase. Which, considering their fondness for him, maybe even a crush [note]like perhaps Rita has on Kaisar[/note] you’d think they would have gotten violent.

Leading to the question of whether Azazel may have overplayed his hand and maybe leading this ragtag group of demons to slaughter?

While Man and Demons Fought, The Gods Plot: Lady Sofiel, Bacchas, Hamsa, Mugaro, Nina

The angels may be largely ignored, but they too feel the threat of Charoice on the horizon. However, being that their realm is more difficult to get to than Cocytus was, they are relatively safe – for now. But they aren’t so safe they can sit idly by for it is clear as Charoice sits on his throne, often seemingly bored, he will look for battle soon. So they need Mugaro, the child of Jeanne d’Arc. Yet, for what purpose isn’t clear.


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In a way, there is a part of me which wonders if the Angels see Mugaro as a means to unite man and angels once more. A hybrid of the two who could perhaps, depending on how sinister angels can be, could take the throne from Charoice, or be placed there, and at least reignite the bond between two former allies. As for the demons? Well, even with Kaisar noting how the three races came together to defeat the Bahamut, it seems the angels have no mercy on the beings who perhaps need their blessings the most.

But, even with the idea of forcing Mugaro onto the throne, so remains the question of what may happen to Jeanne D’arc? With Alessand, an Orleans Knight, and even Kaisar to a point, noting how the Orleans Knights don’t have the same prestige they did a decade ago, and surely Kaisar isn’t the most inspirational of leaders, could we see a rebellion within Charoice’s forces? For, at this point, it seems Jeanne’s current imprisonment isn’t common knowledge. So imagine the discovery of her being forced into a cell just because she won’t bend to Charoice’s whim?

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I mean, again, need to finish Genesis, but with Charoice being the child of a concubine, someone who was likely heavily reliant on Jeanne to defeat the demons, does he really think of himself as absolute? Does he really believe these men, who perhaps more so bow to his title than him, wouldn’t turn on him for Jeanne? Granted, it isn’t clear if angels have been, for a lack of a better term, demonized, since the show doesn’t feature commoners and their thoughts, but once this demon rebellion kicks up, and it seems the wheel of power is shifting, I feel that Charoice’s sacrifices to maintain his sense of worth will lead to the peril of many a soldier.

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