Okay, I’m starting to think episode 5 is when you can firmly say whether a show is worth watching or not. For while I was ready to drop this show, then they decided that Meteora has explained enough of what is going on and we can FINALLY move forward. So now I’m back in love….

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xtGmE5xaKOybeYaT2YSGrQSS43C48NbpijYrOGZ LrcgNm55OEn3TCV wg51QTKcfMumML4GyPYn1gCDD8FPq41HPIFU0TQne1QA NBfMg3vcBU6ZbaRwq W0ymfnZYecq26GlCx SuooQ2fx6PzJsBGEBYojnevf0zgWGr1TRYERs7xvmzB5POxSQ4hT9bk M BGdYfhR61DyqOKovFspz9nVgGi7Y4RCZG VkTUGfS3uNolcGQq6OmmzZFp8ITrWKFkNz8Zy6lxfQgQX2WqqvWurEC2QdooxjkZ3s GTDhiy 6uZs6sAbuxqm33au3BitPRJEpGHralwc58B1Q4FQu2EzFCReL0NvOMiM1N8Hf6 OpFL5Ss7SR0gbIYuFKyLGgHjhu41VPoGB9lvLzLLNc35 j4CT4FErfKm73TnEq6Glb UcH2YRYgjmqeOl5WkLWvQ7YbiWtSdEebtgcpZQzukNQKUUU oBdzgjRilXd1d0OwlGj909HxaqN0dp7Oh4fj6d0rHoLJzfKUaNptgKzkrtxPX322RufPENH0YTc or8MlcUx726TtBnyFE1TgSv10Q8Zd6Tc7s4Wqe0yd3O3n UalnhuJjaQYIpwYbtOEj6 A=w1286 h723 no

Okay, I’m starting to think episode 5 is when you can firmly say whether a show is worth watching or not. For while I was ready to drop this show, then they decided that Meteora has explained enough of what is going on and we can FINALLY move forward. So now I’m back in love.

Special Disaster Case 105: Meteora, Selesia, Kikuchihara

5qB Q1aibw951TvQlEkvM4KIY nYhLBWw8xR2DcshVMASBiCksAIBWc7OMmTqeYDQQYCDv7IWdyX4egm7q8GDq0fAShZrENPuGhagyXpFQ5ppOBXAErOyo6YYgpOJ9yYjeVWYGHtB17cFIDRUgKm s8RalwN69zxWZzivu4OaQlmrZ1Ox8NaB8Eefxr8FSNzsBtx4sgGC4MdWmIdQvzFISAGY37Dh5UvdjBXoNG75auyhYoeCqQ3XIKRjQekA3b1SvVmCdjdtW0 fFTXiK5MAlDHo7BWEdsNLIgw9SNKLRl klP4OzmsBpvSQwNBHyWKsXFWFdGYvPlunUCjW99cIekeb6DwGgIuRkwdWFjNLtUnUtF8StY5iM2uV5lJ63LUIWSkskQ5DwDTOwrJxvqtitpytJ Gm0vkzY 5r9y49eHjvo1FHc1itbuEQOOV 6L cnj3PVjYv27TXFHdakeJZVDCead0rT3O2JwxSPuLJmc3SK6TPivys52BHbG7wmpbOo8sQ0BpyXfXRasyJB GEaVMjdM23pLamnnqXIKmPFFrxdHdJ qhpidzjv IGo7KXCcWCH7RGqG MmD3QKJlKG17 eYtzPuF3bVsoNQ21jb1Xm4ADxIzuw=w1286 h723 no

Finally, after all that has happened, the government is getting involved. With that, it seems the story may push forward as the creations we have met, and a new one named Rui, who has some huge mech, get legal status and become government workers. With that, they are expected to give their expertise and skills to help fight off whatever the Uniformed Military Princess is planning.

Though, at the same time, they are sort of like a government sanctioned version of The Avengers. Since they surely don’t want Meteora working on her own again, stealing 100s of millions of yen worth of rockets, and it is figured that a cover-up would be impossible. Well, not only impossible but it would also destroy the trust of government.


There may just be hope for this series yet. For while we didn’t get an action scene, it does seem like it wants to be taken seriously again. Much less, it wants to be likable. It doesn’t want to dedicate 10 minutes to Meteora presenting her theories to people who cannot comprehend what she is talking about, much less do anything about it. Instead, she is now talking to people with the financial backing who can. She is now part of a council which may be able to really put the Uniformed Military Princess on notice and maybe even stop her.

Now, some of their goals, like protecting creators and trying to bring creations to their side might be hard, but I’m glad that we got reminded that not all meetings between the two can be peaceful. For Rui seemed ready to go off on his own for his life has been nothing but war. Plus, we saw how Alicetelia was about to rip through a police station to find her owner. So, hopefully, with this government involvement, there will be this increased vibe that it won’t just be all about talked, and by that I mean Meteora talking, but may actually dive into what the first episode sold us.

Shimazaki: Sota

Just like Matsubara has Marine, it seems Sota was the illustrator for a young woman named Shimazaki. The person who likely created the Military Uniform Princess. He doesn’t realize this till he really takes not of why he, of all people, are involved. For, up until this episode, it seemed almost random who may have ended up with a creation in their home. However, now it seems a connection to a creation is part of the requirements.


pNP6BiITbzKWvM9R SheC wo4v3xSArlv3EwQaVh0TAJ1PFiAfof7nnjf9Rn4XxRd2XKsed96kopNkeUWDyd53Dx9Thql5rEFT64wfJx9SC7LmME cWQv2jJo72ZGbOpV ZWYXBmTn Ob3Tmui4FUTcOIqPPmbVW3IG4ZNrszRuY 0UayySdFRuICfQVZPI3jlMRcoB9SI0IXVvoQBXbwebsGSvEX uFZN 5IEnvRBsrsbpESS3sYX9q Rte6zmsXtPxfOh9jgntva7gkI nZxn4Xgi2BprtL0Q3cIsWJCtAON9R5jr1VUNuHaFCEmT5d5OHPlP6K q877vdobZTMVFpSftw6RjPjCn hQOJjVcUWWDWs WFLfIYV5Y8pmFGeuoUfxQKlR51m7 MXyK1VO4jgjWAWJDI2 cfJiwy2bCWQUYzJS1vyAm4m RNGhB4LTO8yP4Zwq4vtG51rs6OiOEr2QGyXXoEBSUQrIcKYdNWEVMrquIOQSd9frkMzrqFVrJV148KR3MPsbZ0pXG9VVB9Ik8HJqjHp7M9Z7CbwmaJGoj0yaXFLbR02zH4TPbiEIeBifEuPQt2JjRqr8klusToSslqlib uCIDHVhpz qV9pyz PSWA=w1286 h723 no

Being that not every last thing gets translated, and Sota isn’t like Meteora and doesn’t break things down to its atomic level, there remains an air of mystery here. However, that is one of the things this show has been missing for a while. A sense of mystery, what may happen next, and you being given a reason to spout theories. Such as why did Shimazaki kill herself, what was her relationship to Sota, like were they just friends or maybe on the path to something more? Much less, is the Military Uniform Princess one of their shared creations? Is he her creator? Does she have a story or is she an unfinished product? Perhaps mad she doesn’t have a world of her own? For better or worse.

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