1. I’m not sure exactly what you’re referring to in regards to Beatrice and inconsistencies, so I’ll leave that alone.

    But I don’t think there were any inconsistencies between episode 5 and episode 4 in regards to how Ange treats Chise. Ange stationed her with Princess in order to have the most capable fighter as Princess’ bodyguard and to keep Chise from being exposed to excessive harm (since she’s essentially on loan from her motherland’s organization). Chise merely interprets Ange’s decisions as not trusting her which couldn’t be further from the truth. Eventually Ange realizes that Chise is put to better use on the frontline, it seems, since she’s very active in episode 1.

    1. This is the beauty of getting a different perspective for that definitely makes sense — in regards to Chise.

      As for Beatrice, I’m just a bit baffled by how quickly she went from being against herself, and Princess Charlotte, being involved with Control to becoming one of their most useful agents. Which, with the narrative not being linear but jumping around a bit on its timeline, threw me off a bit.

      1. Mmm I do enjoy seeing characters having different perspectives and beliefs. Makes for a more interesting story.

        I guess Beatrice realized after episode 3 but before episode 5 that Princess is serious on working with the Commonwealth and nothing Beatrice says will change her mind. She feels like she must protect Princess so she opts to formally join the spy group. She also probably reasons that her mechanical throat device is something that will prove to be quite useful for their cause and it has demonstrated its handiness several times already.

        Beatrice is also a bit relieved to see that Ange does care about Princess since Ange was begging Beatrice to leave her behind so she doesn’t get caught and incriminate Princess. “Ah, these spies aren’t so bad, after all” was the sentiment I got when Beatrice poured Ange some tea.

        But you’re right. All of this is only implied and the viewer is left filling the blanks to justify Beatrice’s change in mindset.

        1. With what you said, I think I get Beatrice now. With her voice box thing being useful, it is less of a reminder of what her father did and is now something she can use to help the princess have her dreams come true.

          Much less, like with the Dorothy situation, it pushes a sense of nostalgia or pleasant memories.

  2. I’m really not sure that playing with the timeline is accomplishing anything in this story. As much as I have enjoyed this show so far, I don’t see why it couldn’t have been told chronologically. Unless something is revealed later that makes it worth it, the time jumps and skips between missions is really just going to end up being a cheap gimmick and one that actually detracts from the narrative.

    1. Which leads me to ask and wonder, now that everyone has been introduced (Though I would like a bit more on Dorothy), will the story actual progress? Also, what is the story here? I doubt an end to the Commonwealth/ Kingdom split is happening in one season. So will it just be a focus on Charlotte becoming queen and the secret she shares with Ange? Nothing else has really been presented as an option.

      1. That’s true. I’ve been wondering myself what the story will be or whether we’re just going to keep following individual cases and not really progress a grand narrative.

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