1. Call it de ja vou if you want, but I think I remember a part that was cut out, towards the end, between Mexico and Toms Memorial. Their lives become one of acceptance mutual love and adoration. And just as you think all is well with their lives and the world, he leaves one morning to go to his art studio and has a heart attack. She has to deal with Tom’s death and her husband’s all over again. Through that grief, she gets this invitation to go to Tom’s art memorial where the portrait of the two faces of Tom and Garret looking at her in the pool brings her to the realization and peace of mind that Tom came into her life to give her a second chance to say goodbye.

  2. We wonder what happen after mexico.
    They keep you hanging and lost in this part.
    Suddenly after 1 year he died. And she was happy
    When your watching a movie it’s like a story there’s a beginning and how did the relationship ended.
    Some people like in their age level didn’t understand this ending.
    Show the good part and the bad part also the worst part
    Of the movie.
    The worst part is this movie was incomplete

  3. Sounds like it might be an interesting watch. I’m not the biggest fan of Ed Harris in some movies but I might check this one out.

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