HBO Max’s Genera+ion: Quotes & Gifs

In this post, you’ll find quotes and .gifs from the HBO Max series, “Genera+ion.”

In this post, you’ll find quotes and .gifs from the HBO Max series, “Genera+ion.”

Season 1

Episode 1

I’ll always be honest with you, you just might not always like it.
— Sam

Episode 6

My closeted self was so inside the box I was designing the blueprints for the box.
— Sam

Episode 8

I find randomness kind of hopeful.
— Bo

Episode 9

I get you want to blow things up, but like, how big? Just ’cause you don’t want to blow yourself up in the process.
— Sam

I have to leave for me, but I don’t want to leave for you.
— Chester

Episode 10

I think if you like me, even though I’m an asshole, it’s probably better than you liking me, ’cause you think I’m not an asshole.
— Luz

Episode 11

you should know the moment in life you stop apologizing for yourself is the moment you win.
— Chester (Quoting His Mom)

Episode 14

Fake things can seem real.
— Riley

Everyone has anxiety, but everyone doesn’t have it the same.
— Megan

Episode 15

You never show your whole self to your family.
— Mark

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