Collected Quotes & .Gifs For The Month of October 2020

Logo for quotes, featuring the various media formats on Wherever I Look. Artwork by Dean Nelson (Social Media Links Below).

Over the month of October 2020, we collected quotes from various movies, interviews, shows, and more, check them out.

Over the month of October 2020, we collected quotes from various movies, interviews, shows, and more, check them out.

Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

Friendships should be energizing, not depleting.
— Whitney Cummings | Ep #49: AMANDA CERNY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

Everybody congratulates you when you get pregnant but nobody knows how many times you got fucked.
— Benton | Ep #49AMANDA CERNY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

You have to love failing at it. If you don’t love failing at it, you’ll never succeed at it. 
— Whitney Cummings| Ep #49AMANDA CERNY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

For me, no just meant try a different tactic.  No is just a, “try something else.”
— Whitney Cummings | Ep #49AMANDA CERNY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

There is a difference between stalking and being persistent.
— Whitney Cummings| Ep #49AMANDA CERNY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
— Jay Shetty (Quoting Wayne Dyer)| Ep #48: JAY SHETTY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

Sometimes we conflate oversharing with, “I’m going to be authentic, and I’m going to set a boundary, and I’m going to tell them how I feel, and I’m going to be honest,” that’s not always healthy communication. We say restrain a pen and tongue. Like, if you’re my problem, I’m not going to come to you and expect you have the solution. 
— Whitney Cummings| Ep #48: JAY SHETTY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

In order to have self-esteem, you have to do esteemable actions. 
— Whitney Cummings| Ep #48: JAY SHETTY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

If I can do this publicly you can do this privately.
— Whitney Cummings| Ep #48: JAY SHETTY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

don’t decide if I’m in love with someone based on their behavior, it’s based on my behavior around them. Am I calm, am I thinking of them, is it bringing out the best in me?
— Whitney Cummings| Ep #48: JAY SHETTY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

Creating harmony with toxic people doesn’t benefit you.
— Whitney CummingsEp #48: JAY SHETTY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

You’re always trying to move in the right direction, the problem is we’re addicted to a right decision.
 Jay Shetty | Ep #48: JAY SHETTY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

We choose familiar pain over unfamiliar pain.
— Jay Shetty | Ep #48: JAY SHETTY | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings 

If you’re going to have your heart broken, make sure it breaks open.
— Whitney Cummings | Ep #51: TAYLOR TOMLINSON | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

When you pray for patience, God doesn’t give you patience. He gives you opportunities to be patient.
— Taylor Tomlinson | Ep #51: TAYLOR TOMLINSON | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

We think if we’re just more clear and direct, the other person’s childhood will change. It just doesn’t work that way. Just because you’re being clear with the person, and direct and mature, doesn’t mean the other person has the mental equipment to receive what you’re saying.
— Whitney Cummings | Ep #51: TAYLOR TOMLINSON | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

Our self-awareness hasn’t fixed us, so why would it fix someone else.
— Taylor Tomlinson | Ep #51: TAYLOR TOMLINSON | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

The more you say, the more shame you’re going to feel later that it didn’t work, and that is what erodes your self-esteem and your self-worth. ‘I just said all this stuff, and it didn’t work, now I’m embarrassed, now I failed.’
— Whitney Cummings | Ep #51: TAYLOR TOMLINSON | Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings

Love and Monsters

Clyde (Michael Rooker) and Joel (Dylan O'Brien) looking at something.
Clyde (Michael Rooker) and Joel (Dylan O’Brien)

Good instincts are earned by making mistakes.
— Clyde

Red Table Talk

The thing to me about voting is, we have to be very honest with our people. You cannot get everything you want by voting. But you can lose everything you’ve got by not voting.
— Van Jones | Fed Up and Fired Up: Ice Cube’s Bold Plan for Black America

My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman

We have to believe in something, otherwise, why would you continue?
— Dave Chappelle | My Next Guest Needs No Introduction

didn’t look at myself as an authority figure. I looked at myself like a reference book. If you ask the right questions, I got all kinds of shit I can tell you.
— Dave Chappelle | My Next Guest Needs No Introduction

You can’t change the world, but you can make a corner of it nice.
— Dave Chappelle | My Next Guest Needs No Introduction 

I was really depressed by the feeling of knowing that I was supposed to be doing something, and my life not reflecting that something.
— Lizzo | My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman

Love relationships don’t have to be dramatic to be traumatic.
— Lizzo | My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman

don’t entertain, I’m entertaining.
— Lizzo | My Next Guest Needs No Introduction

they thought they were complimenting me by saying that I was unapologetic. I’m like, “What do I have to apologize for?”
— Lizzo | My Next Guest Needs No Introduction 


Life is happening for us, not to us.
— Chris, Quoting His Mom

We Are Who We Are

Episode 6

Loving someone who can’t love you, that hurts.
— Richard

Episode 5

when you’re not sure if anyone else will accept you, you kind of feel alone. You don’t know where to go or who to turn to or who you should actually talk about how you’re feeling with, and finding someone that just accepts you regardless and doesn’t question anything, is really sweet.
— Jordan Kristine Seamon (Talking about Caitlin & Her Relationship to Fraser)

Ms. White Light

Val (Judith Light) talking about how she misses wanting things.
Val (Judith Light)

Sometimes people need to do something for somebody else in order to deal with their own shit.
— Nora

I wanna want things still, I miss that.
— Val

Ready To Love

Episode 1

You can like what you see, but not what they say.
— Nyya

The Boys

Episode 8

If you jump ship and you let the assholes steer, then you’re part of the problem.
— Annie

Lovecraft Country

Episode 10

We just call ourselves family. I’m even confused about what family really means, and Lord knows she wasn’t a good example of it. You know, I know what it is now, and it is not an obligation. It’s acceptance. It’s a willingness to sacrifice everything that is necessary in order to protect it.
— Leti

All this time, I’ve been chasing faith, when I should have been discovering it in myself.
— Leti

Episode 8

Choosing what was best for yourself in that moment was a different kind of bravery. You can’t feel guilty for protecting yourself first.
— Ruby

The Queen’s Gambit

Episode 1

After grief brings you low, prayer and faith brings you high. High enough to see a new path for yourself.
— Ms. Deardroff

Black Love

Melanie giving Anthony a new set of vows
Melanie: If I died tomorrow, I’ve lived my best life because of you.

Episode 6

I don’t ever expect you to be the person to make me happy because I feel like that’s a huge responsibility to say, “You don’t make me happy.” Like, it’s my responsibility to make me happy, just don’t make me miserable. That’s my thing.
— Angel

Episode 5

New relationships, young relationships, they grow in increments.
— Karega

You may have lost the place where you want to center that love, but you didn’t lose the love.
— Karega

Episode 4

I don’t necessarily need you to take care of me, but I don’t want to feel like I can’t depend on you.
— Glen

In marriage, you treat the person like you want to be treated. But that’s not necessarily a good thing. That’s just you treating that person like you treat yourself. And that’s good but at the same time, it’s like, you have to extend grace.
— Glen

Concession is not failure.
— Bill

I feel like love, your life, your health, love is something I feel is, like, essential to your health. Love is essential to your inner being. You need to be loved. You need to have compassion. So, to me, there is a level of submission to have a healthy relationship. You have to submit to peace.
— Bill

I thought that talking was communicating and that doesn’t mean you’re communicating. It just means you’re moving your lips and sound is coming out.
— Aiyana

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