Collected Quotes For The Month: May 2017

Best Of No version of myself is permanent but, sometimes, the bad parts are trying to fool me into thinking they are permanent. — Jenny Slate I think when I first meet people I give them all the credit and then I slowly take it away. — Jenny Slate Sometimes there isn’t a penny worth…

Collected Quotes For The Month: May 2017

Best Of

No version of myself is permanent but, sometimes, the bad parts are trying to fool me into thinking they are permanent.
Jenny Slate

I think when I first meet people I give them all the credit and then I slowly take it away.
Jenny Slate

Sometimes there isn’t a penny worth the bullshit.
— Marsha Ambrosius (Breakfast Club Interview – Posted 5/4/2017)

Never get on the bad side of small minded people who have a little authority.

I was always raised with the concept of not being a dilettante. When you took something up , you didn’t dabble in it. If you wanted to do it, you were going to practice, and you were going to be disciplined and learn how to do it properly.
Elisabeth Moss

For me, if I can find the music for the character is, I know who she is. Because for me, who a person is, is very difficult to put into words. What I love about music is you can express something without using words and it can capture an intangible quality that I couldn’t describe to somebody. You know?
Elisabeth Moss

Love isn’t real. It was never anything more than lust with a good marketing campaign.
— “Faithful.” The Handmaid’s Tale

Every love story is a tragedy if you wait long enough.
—”Faithful.” The Handmaid’s Tale

It’s a thin line between petty and pathetic.
Remy Ma (Cited on Breakfast Club – Rumor Report)

We expect leaders to take us where we want to go. The problem, it seems to me, begins when they don’t. When things do not improve and yet these leaders keep expecting us to get on their bus. I think this is when leaders become something else. Politicians.
— “Polyphony.” Sense8

I only repeat myself in the vague hope that one day, somebody will actually hear me.
This Beautiful Fantastic

Homes are architectural forms of memory.
— “Polyphony.” Sense8

“Hope is undiscovered disappointment.”
— “Fear Never Fixed Anything” Sense8

Your life is either defined by the system or by the way you defy the system.
— “Fear Never Fixed Anything” Sense8

I’m slowly dying of survival.
—”Isolated Above, Connected Below” Sense8

I never understood the word “Presence” until we were together.
— “If All The World’s A Stage, Identity Is Nothing But A Costume.” Sense8

Social media is not reality, it’s your portfolio of your best moments.
Lindsay Stirling

If you can’t look out for yourself, how the hell you going to look out for me?
— “The Secret of Spoons” American Gods

I’m not stuck in the past. I just hate the present.
— “Kimmy Gets Divorced?!” Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Therapist never really tell you what you should do. They ask you what you think you should do. If they know the correct answer, they hold it close to their vests as if they were in a poker match in a way that lets you know, ‘I’m here to listen, but you will be fucking up your life on your own, kiddo.'”
— “Twelve Sixty-six.” This Is Just My Face, Try Not To Stare (Page 136)

“Damn shame I tell you, being a black woman. ‘Be strong,’ they say. Support your man, raise your man, think like a man. Well damn, I gotta do all that? Who’s out here working for me, carrying my burden, building me up when I get down? Nobody. Black women out here trying to save everybody and what do we get? Swagger jacked by white girls wearing cornrows and bamboo earrings. Ain’t that a bitch? But we still try. Try to help all y’all. Even when we get nothing. Is that admirable or ridiculous? I don’t know.”

— “Tick Tock.” Scandal

Mr. Big Strong Black Man. God forbid you let a sista like me help you out. Naw, you don’t want that. Don’t let me put you on my back when you fall. Wipe the crust out of your eyes. Put a pep back in your step. Because when we do, you resent us for making you better, smarter, stronger. Then drop us so you can be with someone basic, someone without all that baggage you left us with.

— “Tick Tock.” Scandal

The Rest

that’s the funny thing about internet comments. They are the same as those walk buttons. Just placebos.
—”Will I Still Be Beautiful When I’m Not Fat?” This Is Just My Face, Try Not To Stare (Page 215)

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Van Jones

Knowing better doesn’t always result in doing better.
—”Will I Still Be Beautiful When I’m Not Fat?” This Is Just My Face, Try Not To Stare (Page 217)

I don’t have to get it 100% in order to support you 100%.
— “Gender.” The Carmichael Show

Budgets open conversations and deposits close deals.
Tami Roman

Without lies, life would be too hard.
— “All I Want Right Now Is One More Bullet.” Sense8

Rage and pain are two sides of the same coin
— “Light The Wick” Gotham

I love watching a woman wake. A glimpse of her innocence before she begins assembling herself.
— “Fear Never Fixed Anything” Sense8

On your birthday, the whole family had come over. There was this huge pile of presents on the table, but none of that mattered. It was like you had this x-ray vision. You went straight to it, ripped it open and that was it. Party over. As adults, we learn to carefully open all the rest of the presents. We are taught to smile and to pretend that all are equally important to us. But our heart… always knows the truth.
— “Fear Never Fixed Anything” Sense8

You should doubt only a man who changes his story.
This Beautiful Fantastic

I believe every heroine you play, every sort of good guy that you play, you should find the stuff that’s villainous and bad about them. That makes it more interesting and vice versa, if you are playing a villain or some “bad person” you should find all the good things about them because that makes it so much more interesting.
Elisabeth Moss

Faith’s about what you think, feel, not what you know.

labels are the opposite of understanding
— “Who Am I?” Sense8

lives, even as short as hers, can still live on in unexpected ways.
— “Who Am I?” Sense8

To want is to have a weakness.
“Birth Day.” The Handmaid’s Tale

If one’s feelings and emotions are strong enough, their consequences can follow you back into the real world.
Those Delicate and Dark Obsessions.” Gotham

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