Heartstopper: Season 1/ Episode 4 “Secret” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
As Charlie shows wear and tear from being in a secret thing with Ben, he finds himself hoping this time, being with someone closeted won’t be hell.
Amari is the founder and head writer of Wherever-I-Look.com and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.
As Charlie shows wear and tear from being in a secret thing with Ben, he finds himself hoping this time, being with someone closeted won’t be hell.
A reference guide for Netflix’s “Heartstopper,” including character descriptions, names of actors, quotes from the series, and more.
Not even at the halfway mark and something MAJOR happens between Nick and Charlie!
Could there be hope for Charlie? Nick sends mixed signals, and Elle presents vital information, making it seem so!
In probably the least eventful finale, you could probably already guess who is going to end up together because of their journeys up till now.
Stripped of the vibe of this being a Hollywood fantasy, Heartstopper gives all the frustrating and complicated feelings that come from your first time being in love, lust, and crushes.
Blood, honor, love, and betrayal keep you engaged for over 2 hours in this epic revenge tale.
We’re still in England and things only get weirder as Van makes an appearance, Darius shuts down a restaurant, and Al becomes a voice for forgiveness.
A reference guide for Roku’s “Swimming With Sharks,” including character descriptions, names of actors, quotes from the series, and more.
Relying on star power than substance, Swimming with Sharks is entertaining but won’t be a killer property for Roku.
From raising children, creating new families, and rediscovering themselves, Elena and Lila may struggle in their friendship but find ways to flourish in their individual lives.
Lou’s desperation reaches its peak the Swimming With Sharks finale as she scrambles to find someone she can align with and who won’t abandon her.
Lou may have overextended herself and because of that, her world begins to come crashing down.
A major shift in Sam’s life leaves you to question what the coming days and months will be like as she loses two people she loves the most.
As Elena closes a major chapter in her life, we’re introduced to the next actress who will play her in Elena’s next chapter.
As Dr. Andrews gets involved in a young man’s life, a patient’s niece tries to get Shaun and Lea’s permission to document theirs.
Eddie and Lucy struggle with how lucky they may or may not be, as Chim and Maddie have a scare regarding their daughter Jee-Yun.
After the events of the last episode, Joyce decides she needs a vacation. Which Lou sees as the perfect opportunity for them to get closer.
With Lou getting a promotion comes Travis asking more questions about her background as Lou uses Miles to find stuff for her collection.
We FINALLY get to meet Robyn’s ex, Delilah’s dad, as she asks him to do a favor for one of her clients – which raises his suspicions about what she does.
A summary of how Choose or Die (2022) ended and whether a prequel or sequel is possible.
As Redmond clues us into Joyce’s past, Lou diversifies how she can stay in Joyce’s presence.
A summary of how As They Made Us (2022) ended and whether a prequel or sequel is possible.
A summary of how Dual (2022) ended and whether a prequel or sequel is possible.
In The First Lady, we are shown the ever-evolving role of being the first lady, especially in a country where the role was never meant to be an equal but rather one of many supporters.
Wendy and Marty go into overdrive as Agent Clay and Graves mess with Omar, and they find themselves having to deal with Ruth over a non-business-related matter.
Wendy, Javi, and Frank Sr. decide to make moves that test how much sway and power they have, and like Darlene, it seems they have overplayed their hand.
Loid meets his match in Yor, but with neither knowing the truth about their partner, how long can they keep up a façade?
As Darlene fights to maintain her business and her relationship with Wyatt, she gets continually reminded how no one respects her.
While there is a certain level of intrigue here, you’ll see some plot elements that will make you roll your eyes and hope Swimming With Sharks does things different.
At this point, you may feel like they rushed getting this season out because the final couples might be by process of elimination.
Still, on the train to Garm, terrorist attack, and Ashuna shows everyone that the blade she carries isn’t some accessory.
Choose or Die is the kind of pseudo-horror that has a better story buried beneath what it gives you.
Atlanta switches back to Paperboi’s European tour and has him dealing with a weird dude who might have stolen his phone.
Dual is a bizarre dark comedy with the kind of dry humor that will either make you laugh or go “What the f***?” if not both!
The mysterious figure from the last episode reveals themselves as we learn more about the Spirit Tortoise and the nations which wish to defeat it.
As people confess and secrets are revealed, things only get worse for Yuichi and his friends.
In an almost complete Lila-less episode, Nino returns to Elena’s life, and between old feelings and him supporting her writing, it complicates Elena’s marriage to Pietro.
Sam plans a family trip to England and, as to be expected, there are a few bumps in the road.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.