Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody (2022) – Review/ Summary (with Spoilers)
“Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody” will make you forget the countless TV movies that predates it.
Amari is the founder and head writer of Wherever-I-Look.com and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.
“Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody” will make you forget the countless TV movies that predates it.
In this episode, we get the backstory of why Max ended up in jail, alongside Lester and Violet’s relationship.
In the first adaptation of Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles in serial form, race swapping isn’t the only notable thing about AMC’s version of “Interview With The Vampire.”
“Atlanta” ends its run without any desire to conform to the expectations of a final season, as it continues to have a loose arc for its characters.
In “Lullaby,” Jewish faith is used to develop this horror film in ways you have likely not seen before.
A character guide for Netflix’s “The Recruit,” with character descriptions, quotes, names of actors, and more.
As Owen shows he only needs to make one mistake to catch on, things escalate, and he finds himself dealing with assassins in Vienna.
In this supernatural crime thriller, Martin Lawrence may not take a career turn like his peers, but he does find himself in one of his best productions in years.
The first week of a new job for anyone can be rough as you adjust to the people and expectations. But for Owen, who just started in the C.I.A., within days, he gets tortured.
All focus is on Lyra as it is questioned how to handle her, in terms of keeping her alive or killing her, as she heads to the land of the dead.
“Reasonable Doubt” is the child of the Blackness Mara Brock Akil put into “Girlfriends” mixed with the drama Shonda Rhimes popularized for crime dramas.
Season 2 of “Cherish The Day” may have well-cast leads set for a perfect romance, but in the pursuit of perfection, there is an avoidance of necessary conflict.
In the sixth season winter finale, Lea tries to push a way forward for her and Shaun as Lim and Morgan try not to find themselves tempted to look back as new opportunities arise.
The second season of “The Cleaning Lady” is a prime example of a sophomore slump, as it struggles to keep the focus on Thony, as her storyline drags out, and others try to emerge.
In the two episodes FOX is touting as “The Cleaning Lady” season finale, drastic measures are taken as Thony tries to have it all and fails to.
“Let The Right One In” completes its first season with few blemishes as it presents an emotional story with violence, love, and sacrifice.
“The White Lotus” tries to use the same formula from season 1, with all but two characters, Tanya and Greg, being new, and it leads to mixed results on occasion but still a relatively entertaining season.
So who died? Did anyone get a happy ending, or were there a lot of sour faces, some with tears and many ruined relationships?
While “Something From Tiffany’s” has one unfortunate Holiday movie obligation, everything else about this movie will potentially make it your favorite one released this season.
While it reaches levels of ridiculous that may make you roll your eyes, you’ll be chuckling throughout all “Divorce Bait” throws at you.
As Asriel begins to give his allies a reason to question his leadership, Marisa tries to negotiate with people for Lyra’s safety.
“Let The Right One In” ends its first season on a high note as Mark and Eleanor’s loyalties are tested.
In this “Be careful what you wish for” movie, “A Miracle Before Christmas” delivers a movie that’s a bit rough but watchable.
In the long-awaited return of “His Dark Materials,” Asriel is recruiting for his war as Will looks for his own allies, and Lyra is hunted by the Authority, with only her mother to protect her.
Dr. Lim and Shaun have a heart-to-heart as Jordan seeks to define her relationship with Daniel and Morgan reveals a sensitive topic.
Arman finally focuses on rebuilding his reputation, as he hopes Nadia will come through and kill Robert before Robert gets the chance to kill him.
The fun times seem to be over as Ethan fears history repeating itself, Portia realizes the fun times are over with Jack, and Lucia’s pimp gets aggressive with her.
The final season of “Queen Sugar” delivers in a way few long-running series have done.
The innuendo-filled “Christmas with The Campbells” is not a family Christmas movie but could be good for the adults to watch or listen to while getting things ready or cleaning up.
“Darby and The Dead,” being yet another teen movie focused on the outcast who, with a makeover, becomes popular, sidesteps what could have made it interesting.
The penultimate episodes of “Let The Right One In” will make you rush through the end credits to have some hint of what’s in the season finale.
While the early part of “Rolling Into Christmas” is high quality, as relationship drama comes into play, things go downhill fast.
While Jenna Ortega makes a superb Wednesday, unfortunately, they put her in a world reminiscent of the “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” with boy drama and a mediocre mystery.
In this post, you’ll find quotes from movies and TV Shows released in November 2022.
Somehow, “Violent Night” finds a way to be flinch-worthy violent, consistently comical, and even stir up your emotions.
A recast Isabel arrives with a woman soon to deliver sextuplets in tow, which coincides with Shaun and Lea wanting to try for their own, and Morgan looking for a sperm donor.
OWN’s legendary show “Queen Sugar” comes to an end, but is it an ending that delivers what fans have longed for, or is it bittersweet all over?
As Robert exerts his power over Thony and Arman, Nadia finds herself pushed to manipulate Robert to regain control over her life.
As Denny asks about Eva, multiple 9-1-1 calls lead to positive and negative discoveries.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.