Happy Sugar Life: Season 1/ Episode 3 “3rd Life: A Long Monochromatic Night” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
Shio’s past, which she shares with Asahi, begins to be revealed as the universal theme of trauma continues to permeate.
Amari is the founder and head writer of Wherever-I-Look.com and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.
Shio’s past, which she shares with Asahi, begins to be revealed as the universal theme of trauma continues to permeate.
At this point, Angels of Death is working off a horror anime checklist. So adjust your expectations as low as possible or you will not enjoy the ride.
Extinction screams start of a franchise or series. For all it does is lay the foundation for a further development. Question is, is it something worth seeing?
Blindspotting helps illustrate the trauma many Black people have with cops, the double standard that exists between Black and white men, all while throwing in some Hamilton styled raps.
With the balance between action and ecchi complete, so comes the end of the introduction and Diablo having his first true, one on one, battle.
Trust is a major focus as many become shocked by what is asked of them, whether understandable or just a Grade-A insult.
While Nuri and Yasir make it through the episode without a breakup/makeup, the same can’t be said when it comes to Nuri and Angela.
As Jane’s BRCA diagnosis comes back to haunt her, Sutton is put into a boss position and Kat into an awkward one thanks to Cleo.
In this coming of age, crime story, you get a little bit of everything. Forbidden romance, kid way in over their head, and the question of who will survive and will there be a happy ending?
Elder Millennial has the vibe of a YouTube video. It isn’t hilarious but the way things are talked about are comical and insightful enough to make you want to subscribe for more.
And the cycle continues as communication between Jonah and Andi leads to drama. Maybe even Jonah being a bit petty.
The investigation into the deaths of Ann and Natalie begin to gain traction as Amma and Adora become more suspicious.
Desna begins to make moves which will have dire consequences. Including possibly pissing off the wrong people.
The final category is: Mother of the Year and considering all Blanca has done for her children, even her mother, will she win or will there always be next year?
In this post, you’ll find quotes collected from the FX series: Pose. I hope you enjoy the quotes collected.
Happy Sugar Life maintains its creepiness as Satou meets someone who knows Shio and we are introduced to her stalker.
This prequel/ sequel to the first Mamma Mia thrives as new and old have a lively reunion and celebrate who Donna was and what she inspired.
Angels of Death is on its way to becoming a disappointment as it delivers another lackluster episode.
As Raven and Chelsea deal with their hoarding, Levi and Booker deal with spending too much time together.
While Equalizer 2 lacks a compelling story, its action scenes, as well as Washington and Sanders’ chemistry, compensate for it.
A drastic reduction in ecchi leads to us learning about the Fallen and meeting someone who can match Diablo’s powers.
After long struggling on their own, many begin accepting and asking for help. Thus showing how far some characters have come.
Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle may lack quality battles but it does present the issues between factions which will affect a post-Godzilla world.
Love Is maintains a sense of fantasy which makes you question, “Would I go through that much over someone I barely met?”
Open relationships, gun violence, and gun ownership get featured and only as The Bold Type knows how.
Rosy is just too simple, with a male lead who seems misplaced, to match the assumed intention of the story.
In its sophomore season, Anne with an E ventures into adopting modern storylines while holding onto the heart of Anne from Green Gables.
Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind chips away at you slowly as you reminisce and laugh, to the point you won’t realize how crushed and exposed you are by the end.
We have reached it, Buffy’s last day. One which she tries have sans downtrodden looks and clichés. Which Andi and Cyrus have trouble agreeing to.
As Camille’s relationship with townspeople, and her mother, gets further established, so does her similarities to Natalie.
After Desna’s discovery in the last episode, and what happened to Bryce, she finds herself retreating to the last person who made her feel safe to rediscover herself.
As the House of Abundance falls, a new house rises from the ashes. One which takes advantage of what either could be seen as a mistake or right decision by Blanca.
In season 2, The Handmaid’s Tale finds itself in a sophomore slump as it finds itself in a perpetual loop barely broken in the season finale.
In the first half of season 1, Jada Pinkett-Smith revives Red Table Talk and gives us the type of show you wish was in the headlines for more than sensationalized topics.
In this post, you’ll find quotes collected from the Facebook Watch series: Red Table Talk. I hope you enjoy the quotes collected.
After a lackluster season 2, Humans comes roaring back with a vengeance thanks to its focus on synthetics pursuing civil rights.
Five Points really helps legitimize Facebook Watch as not yet another platform getting into the original content game, but a platform which may have something different to present.
Happy Sugar Life is going to give you pause as we get to know Satou and why she is hell-bent on keeping this child, Shio, in her life.
How It Ends not only doesn’t answer its title’s question but also makes for a terrible online release thanks to its writing, pacing, and maybe even acting.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.