One Comment

  1. ? agree with miscellaneous comments.

    Also, I find it disturbing Black folks are so obsessed with shades of Blackness, ie coffee, caramel, toffee, ect when speaking about a Black person. E. Lynn Harris (luved him, and enjoyed all his books) referred to characters in such terms; which I found annoying.

    Another thing, most times I find folks confused light skin with that person being “good looking” ~ not necessarily, imo.
    And dark skin women like myself get ~ you’re dark, and very pretty/attractive; along with your skin is so smooth as they rub my arm. ?

    White folks don’t care whether we’re light or dark skin they just see us as ‘Black’ People (well those who see colour) and lump everyone into one basket. So, why are we Black, AA, Caribbean people so obsessed with colourism?!?! ?

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