The Best of 2021 – Movies & Shorts
From theatrically released movies, video on demand releases, films that are still waiting to find a home off the festival circuit and so many shorts, let’s go talk about some of the best movies and shorts of 2021.
From theatrically released movies, video on demand releases, films that are still waiting to find a home off the festival circuit and so many shorts, let’s go talk about some of the best movies and shorts of 2021.
“Violet Evergarden I: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll” reminds you no matter how much time has passed, you can still be strongly affected by a well-developed character.
As an early holiday gift, we are reminded of one of the best anime of the spring, if not year, in this tear-jerking ova.
Violet Evergarden is one of the few animes which match beautiful visuals with a story that will, in time, rock your heart and inspire tears.
Violet Evergarden ends with closure for fans and the character, and once again you need to plan to shed tears.
The long-simmering rebel groups of Gardarik make their move and push Violet to disobey Major Gilbert’s final order.
The Gardarik rebels slowly come into focus as Violet has to go into a battleground to deliver what may be one soldier’s final message to his loved ones. Leading you to wonder, will they inspire old Violet to come out?
Sensitive souls beware, Violet’s latest assignment deals with a young girl and her sickly mother.
As Violet succumbs to PTSD and depression, so comes the question of not only does she have the right to live but her purpose.
After dancing around it for awhile, we finally get a full episode of Violet’s past. At least from meeting Major Gilbert to the height of his military career.
After Violet helps a man heal from a very traumatic moment, she is forced to come to terms with the truth she has been avoiding about herself and Major Gilbert.
Violet once again travels off to a distant place for work and while she sees one old friend, her focus is getting to know and revealing herself to a new one.
It seems, officially, Violet has mastered being a doll. Leading to the next arc: Her being a cold-blooded killer.
As Violet Evergarden continues to win you over with visuals, it also makes another effort of having heart through introducing Iris’ backstory.
After struggling to express herself, a young woman named Luculia seemingly breaks through and helps Violet become in touch with her feelings.
With the influx of some new characters, Violet Evergarden has definitely become the type of show worth your loyalty.
While beautifully animated, some may find struggle to find meaningful substance behind Violet Evergarden’s awe-inspiring visuals.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.