
Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 8 “Appropriately Sized Pots” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview After “A Whole Other Hole” you may have wanted Rosa’s backstory, well here it is. Review (with Spoilers) Because Rosa has always been the sick one in the background during the first season, I never took much note of her. She was just there like an extra. This episode though made her become one…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 10 “Little Mustachioed Shit” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With a 2nd Piper episode comes a rehash on her relationship with Alex, but luckily the episode is saved by Red and Vee’s continuing issues. Review (with Spoilers) I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for Vee and Red’s little back and forth, and all the people they bring into their drama, this…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 9 “40 OZ of Furlough” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Another episode which may feature one character, Red in particular, but Vee finds some way to make sure she shares the spotlight. Review (with Spoilers) With Mendez’s return you probably expect him to cause a lot of BS, but in fact it is Bennett that causes issues. But, for the most part, the focus…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 7 “Comic Sans” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Black Cindy is the focus of the episode, as is Red’s resurgence and Vee’s new booming business. Review (with Spoilers) In “Comic Sans” there is a strong focus on everyone trying to find some way to cope and deal with their situation the best they can. For some, like Cindy, it is with laughter;…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 6 “You Also Have a Pizza” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With the focus being on Valentine’s Day and Poussey, we witness love and its complications. Review (with Spoilers) With many prisoners leaving lovers behind, it makes Valentine’s day a bit of an awful holiday. But while the prisoners surely hate the day, so do the staff as well. They feel just as much prisoners…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 4 “A Whole Other Hole” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview We discover the truth about Christopher as Red seeks to reestablish herself, as does Vee. Review (with Spoilers) I don’t know why I don’t remember season 1 having this format of which it features one specific character as everything else goes on. Be it because the featured characters of season 1 appealed more to…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 2 “Looks Blue, Tastes Red” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview We move from focusing on Piper to Taystee and get to see her life before prison. Review (with Spoilers) After a rather dull episode watching Piper go through her usual fish out of water issues, we are back with the old crew and catching up. Though, for the most part, the focus is on…