Running On Empty: Review
Lucy Hale and Keir Gilchrist may deliver familiar characters from their repertoire, but amongst the odd story and comedy of “Running On Empty,” they make it work.
Lucy Hale and Keir Gilchrist may deliver familiar characters from their repertoire, but amongst the odd story and comedy of “Running On Empty,” they make it work.
A guide for the film “Flashback.” Noted are cast members, information about their character(s), and additional details about the film’s story and characters.
How far would you go to remember someone from 15 years ago who disappeared? Especially if under the circumstances most would happily choose to forget?
Season 3 of Atypical shows the kind of consistency most shows can’t maintain, but that isn’t without one negative thing still being done.
Atypical is finally coming back, and with Sam in college, it means new challenges but also new triumphs!
Atypical continues to exemplify the capabilities of high functioning people with autism, while not making that the sum of the lead or show.
Atypical can and should become a hit for Netflix. If only because it isn’t trying to be a hit and reminds you why Netflix used to be on such a pedestal. For this is a story you can’t imagine network, cable, or the premium stations offering. It is the type of program you can only…
Overview A rock star turned businessman tries to get away from what has made him miserable to contemplate what to do with his life. Trigger Warning(s): Drug Use
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.