In The Dark: Season 1, Episode 4 “The Graduate” – Recap, Review (with Spoilers)
Could what Murphy felt have been Tyson, but instead of him being dead just knocked out?
Could what Murphy felt have been Tyson, but instead of him being dead just knocked out?
Murphy is facing one of the toughest challenges of her life – being someone’s girlfriend. As Darnell tries to keep Nia happy.
Murphy accidentally may have acquired a boyfriend as she pushes to get Tyson’s mom to file a police report.
The Following is a list of cast and characters from the CW program In The Dark and their status at the end of the season(s).
I won’t say In The Dark seems like it’ll last past 1 season but, if it does, it has the potential to be a cult classic.
Black Lightning finally brings on a new villain, a faction war, and loads of action. Thus reminding you this isn’t strictly some metahuman family show.
Black Lightning continues to suffer by not having a true villain, but it may use the existence of new, or newly revealed, and old metahumans to compensate.
As we learn whether Tobias will be charged or not, Jefferson has the kind of conversations with his kids which will alter their relationship.
The Book of Consequences arc continues to be about building up to something bigger than starting things off with a bang.
As someone in the pods breaks out, and Tobias begins making moves, Jefferson is forced to face the music at Garfield High School.
Black Lightning is back and to move the story forward, his identity comes out to a few people. Also, there is a need to address the kids in pods.
What Black Panther did with empowering the undeserved on the big screen, while appealing to the masses, Black Lightning does on television episode to episode.
In the season finale of Black Lightning, the fate of the encased metahumans gets decided and some characters present their final goodbye.
The battle for Freeland has intensified as new defenses against Black Lightning have been made and it seems he is becoming heavily outnumbered.
Gambi may have found a way to not only buy Jefferson some time off the ASA’s radar but also reconcile with him.
As Tobias remains in hiding, Lala continues to reestablish himself as a villain, but not one that will stand in Black Lightning’s way yet. He instead is dealing with his second betrayal in months.
Thunder & Black Lightning have their first official outing together as Jennifer deals with the family secret.
Gambi’s struggles to keep his past in the shadows as the reckoning comes with Lady Eve’s murder.
Life Sentence is a bit corny, definitely a CW brand show, but even with that noted, Lucy Hale and the light-hearted nature of the show has its charm.
With Lady Eve and Gambi trying to maintain this balance of power they created, people die and one, strangely, comes alive.
As Gambi’s secrets slowly are revealed to us, Jefferson comes to a crossroad of whether or not he’ll officially become a murderer.
For those wondering about the origins of Tobias, as well as his beef with Jefferson, Anissa begins that journey this episode.
Lady Eve makes it clear Black Lightning has to be eliminated, for real this time. However, how can you take down a superhero beloved by the people? Well, turn the people against him.
As Black Lightning makes his presence known to even Tobias’ boss, Lady Eve, so comes the question of whether his presence helps as much as Gambi thinks it does.
Black Lightning pushes what you expect from network TV, hell the CW, as it throws us some unexpected deaths to push Jefferson to accept fate.
It seems like DC and the Akils are looking to steal some of Black Panther’s thunder (I couldn’t help myself) with the premiere of Black Lighting.
Overview iZombie is an odd little pseudo-psychic TV show, with the nice twist of having a very likable zombie. Director: Rob Thomas Writer: Mike Allred and Chris Robertson (Comic Source) & Diane Ruggiero and Rob Thomas (Episode Script) Review (with Spoilers) – Below
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