A Brush of Violence (2023) – Review/ Summary

Intense in every which way the word can be used, “A Brush of Violence” hits hard, doesn’t overstay its welcome, and leaves you wondering what Daniel Lawrence Wilson may produce next.

A Good Person (2023) – Review/ Summary

While sometimes the cursing feels like an unnecessary crutch to heighten the drama, “A Good Person” will pull on your heartstrings and make it clear why Florence Pugh is considered a top talent.

Champions (2023) – Movie Review

Coach Marcus ordered by a judge to coach a team of disabled athetes for 90 days gets more than he bargained for in this heartfelt comedy.

The Ghost Within (2023) – Movie Review

Margot Richardson can’t escape nightmarish visions of her facially deformed sister murdered by her father long ago. She desperately struggles to find meaning by returning to her abandoned childhood home.