Dr. Ken: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Pilot” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)
Overview For those of you familiar with Cristela, consider this series an Asian version of that one, but maybe a bit less abrasive. Though not by a whole lot.
Whether you’re looking for new recommendations, in-depth episode recaps, or insightful critiques, our reviews provide valuable insights to help you navigate the vast landscape of television entertainment.
Overview For those of you familiar with Cristela, consider this series an Asian version of that one, but maybe a bit less abrasive. Though not by a whole lot.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) A lot of time is spent focusing on The Wizard and Lucas’ past, and with a handful of reveals, and a slightly shocking ending, it seems things may just begin to become interesting in Oz. Trigger Warning(s): Gun Shot
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) I don’t know what I thought this was, what it could be, or what I was thinking, but I watched the first episode. Leaving me with the general feelings I watch when it comes to NBC programming. Who in the hell watched this and said, “Let’s put it on the schedule.”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCDO7rRznP8 Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Despite notions that this is like Shonda Rhimes-light or even some sort of A Different World 2.0 or Drumline spin-off, it doesn’t deserve the comparisons. The only thing similar when it comes to this show is a Black woman as lead, it dealing with a college campus at a historically black…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) This episode focuses on trying to build up Koyuki’s status on the show through showing her and Yuu as kids and presenting her as a real contender for Yuu’s heart.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) This is a very weird episode. If only because it sort of goes against the grain when it comes to action anime. We aren’t presented some unbeatable force which our hero, well anti-hero, has to train and get stronger to defeat. Pretty much, Tanya is given the opportunity for a blood…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) The title of this anime has confused me a little bit for I just don’t see how the need and want to feel desired by someone makes a person scum. Yet, in this episode, we get a taste of who is actually scum and there is an argument that Hanabi is…
Overview If Heroes Reborn: Dark Matter is supposed to get people excited for the mini-series, then apparently someone didn’t learn why the original Heroes got cancelled in the first place.
Overview A new hero has arisen, and ABC really wants you to know his name is Galavant. Though whether he is worth knowing is the question. Review (with Spoilers) – Below
Introduction After an extended wait to find a subbed version, I finally have found access to Chaos Dragon – Sekiryuu Seneki. Which, at first, I must say didn’t feel like it was worth the wait. Granted, it has blood splatter, a seemingly insurmountable force, as well as charismatic villains, but with the Dragon in question…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) As Star deals with people trying to take her spotlight, in the worse way possible, Carlotta and Cotton’s relationship becomes more strained than ever. However, what happens at the end of the episode helps to push everyone back together. If for just a moment.
Overview In the series premiere, we are presented the idea that no one may be safe, and you should perhaps trust no one. Review (with Spoilers) – Below
Overview An immortal man, who has found himself invested in being a medical examiner, seems to have found himself become the favorite ME of one detective.
Overview Empire begins with all the drama you would expect, but with the type of personalities, and backgrounds, you aren’t used to seeing in a drama, with soap opera elements. Review (with Spoilers) – Below
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Mariah’s World is a constant struggle between Mariah reminding you how hard she works so that her kids could have the life she didn’t and you questioning how much of this reality show is scripted/ everyone showing off for the camera.
Overview Digimon returns for another round and while there isn’t a huge amount of action or compelling fights, we do get to see the challenges which come from being a DigiDestined who still has to go to school and have a life outside of the digital world.
Overview Like so many kids who were born in the 90s, many of my arguments dealt with which was better and often it would be one cartoon vs. another. For me, I was a devoted Digimon fan up until the 3rd season in which I had to tap out since the quality faded. However, now…
Overview With Salamandinay deciding it is time to rescue Aura, it presents an opportunity for Ange and Husk to return home. The question is, though, will they return home and be neutral, or perhaps fight alongside the DRAGON clans who they have fought against for so long? Topic 1: Thank Yous and Preparation – Ange…
Overview While hope may exist, it seems not everyone is as open minded as Momoka. Topic 1: Momma, It’s Me – Hilda Topic 2: Sylvia, It’s Me – Ange Topic 3: The Betrayal – Hilda & Ange Review (with Spoilers) – Below
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyjcGhTjeZg Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) It all comes to this. Will Penguin meet the fate that Barbara, Ed, and Tabitha planned? Will Jerome get to live to fight another day or killed off once again? See below to know.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) After the end of Kyle XY and Lincoln Heights in 2009, and the birth of Pretty Little Liars as well as The Secret Life of the American Teenager, it seemed ABC Family was going to become the new go-to location for cheesy teen soap operas. Ones in which it would be…
Overview One of literature’s greatest villains gets his own show in which he becomes a homicide detective. Not to, mind you, seek redemption, but because he is starting to care and with this comes some sort of need to work on the side of justice.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) While this episode takes on the issue of discrimination against Demis seriously, it’s after school special handling of it is perhaps the last straw for me.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) As West interrogates Dorothy and learns one very pertinent bit of information, Jack and Lady Ev grow closer.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) As Tanya continues to try to plan an easy life far away from the front lines, she talks herself into gaining a position which would place here there.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) As Fuuka’s band gains a member, it seems Yuu’s potential love life has gotten more complicated.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) As we learned why Ecchan has fallen for Hanabi, it becomes clear that Hanabi’s feelings for Mugi are evolving past their original agreement.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) As Otis’ death still haunts Simone, and Carlotta’s relationship with Jahil is brought up, the girls refocus on the Atlanta talent show.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Though it had a rough start, The Good Place learned how to balance out a bunch of quirky and eccentric characters and craft a plot which fits the usual NBC factory of making programs which are unique and against the norm.
All TV Biopics aim to be on the level of the Temptations or Little Richard, but often times they at worse are the Aaliyah movie or on the level of CrazySexyCool. However, with The New Edition Story, be it because it is in multiple parts and not cramming 5 lives and careers into two hours,…
Episode 1: Fallen Princess Overview A beloved princess discovers the world she thought was her oyster, was never meant for people like her. Trigger Warning(s): Uncomfortable scene dealing with clothes being ripped off and a physical exam Review (with Spoilers) When the episode begins, honestly I thought this was going to be another sci-fi/ fantasy…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) You know, something I’ve learned about Gotham is that it never will try to put you completely off. What I mean is, while it may experiment with a new villain, a new twist on an old character, it often maintains the things it knows fans would like. Be it Selina and…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Do you know anyone who seems to live for drama so they decide to become friendly with people who they swore off, get into relationships which will only cause them heartache and headaches, and basically chose people who decide they ain’t manure as well? Well, like those people, Delicious seems to…
Overview When Bo gets sick, it seems those of Project Orchestra maybe the only ones who can save her. Review (with Spoilers) As someone said on the IMDB boards, sooner or later Bo is going to get caught. After all, Winter’s resources seem to dwindle day by day, and I’d argue it has more been…
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Despite, in memory, finding the first episode horrible, I come to the second, mostly due to an unexpected spike in viewership, and strangely found myself sort of enjoying the episode.
Overview Think Touch with less mystery, more likable characters, and a kid which can actually communicate. Review (with Spoilers) A part of me misses Touch, the first season anyway, when Jake was a likable little mute. But as time went on it went haywire and Keifer Sutherland was unable to save it from itself. But…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag_HitVgj-U Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) As Tip finds herself in the middle of a bidding war between witches, we are introduced to the Tin Man, a new empire, and a little girl with special powers.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) Demi-chan wa Kataritai (Interviews With Monster Girls) firmly established itself as a slice of life anime featuring a few world famous monsters and while they do have some issues, they are approached in such a melancholy or indifferent way that it is hard to take and keep interest at times.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) While the majority of the episode is very aggravating and ends with an unnecessary moment featuring some ecchi, there remains this cute budding relationship which is the show’s saving grace.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.