TV Shows

Whether you’re looking for new recommendations, in-depth episode recaps, or insightful critiques, our reviews provide valuable insights to help you navigate the vast landscape of television entertainment.

Re:Creators: Season 1/ Episode 5 “So, Why Don’t We Have Ourselves a Guys’ Night Out” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Okay, I’m starting to think episode 5 is when you can firmly say whether a show is worth watching or not. For while I was ready to drop this show, then they decided that Meteora has explained enough of what is going on and we can FINALLY move forward. So now I’m back in love.

American Gods: Season 1/ Episode 1 “The Bone Orchard” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

With visuals which show Bryan Fuller still isn’t over Hannibal’s cancellation and Michael Green, the co-writer of Logan alongside Fuller’s past production Heroes, you have yourself an artistic bloodbath with loads of mystery and intrigue. Trigger Warning(s): Visual of Black Man Hanged (In Episode)

Shingeki no Bahamut – Virgin Soul: Season 1/ Episode 4 “Firestarter” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

With every episode I watch of the first season, I come to understand what is happening here more. With that, you can understand the frustration of Azazel whose life was completely changed by the humans discarding former power dynamics. Much less embarrassing him as Lucifer’s right-hand man. Yet, in the quest to redeem himself, he…

Dear White People: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Chapter I” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

I feel like I should preface my review by saying that I was not blown away at all by the movie version of Dear White People. To the point that I’m quite surprised it was adapted into a series. If only because I found it to be like a watered down version of all the…

The Handmaid’s Tale: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Offred” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Being that Young Adult novels have come to dominate visual media dealing with a post-war period, it is a bit refreshing that those under 25 play little to no role in the series. Women who have experienced life instead are the focus and how they are dealing with a world which sent back women’s right…