
In this sub-category, you’ll find TV series that are generally Japanese anime, but also animation from across the world.

Re:Zero (Starting Life in Another World): Season 1/ Episode 8 “I Cried, Cried My Lungs Out, and Stopped Crying.” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Progress seems to be finally made as it seems Subaru wins everyone equally over and finally gets a lead on what outside force may have killed him and Rem before.

Re:Zero (Starting Life in Another World): Season 1/ Episode 7 “Natsuki Subaru Restart” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Dying over and over again isn’t the sole thing which haunts Subaru. What also haunts him are the memories he obtained before dying which are his alone. Making it where each death in itself isn’t painful due to his own dying, but the relationships lost in the process. Leading to the question of, how…

Re:Zero (Starting Life in Another World): Season 1/ Episode 6 “The Sound of Chains” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Even though it hasn’t been established if Subaru only has a limited amount of retries, he figures he needs to once more switch things up in order to solve this latest puzzle. Something which leaves him finally coming face to face with the person trying to kill him.

Re:Zero (Starting Life in Another World): Season 1/ Episode 5 “The Morning of Our Promise Is Still Distant” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With less people to focus on, things for Subaru you’d think would be easier, in terms of doing a productive loop. But even with him being nicer to nearly everyone, it seems he still has done something wrong. Episode Rating: Maintaining Trigger Warning(s): Blood and dismemberment

Re:Zero (Starting Life in Another World): Season 1/ Episode 4 “The Happy Roswaal Mansion Family” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Episode Overview As the setting changes, a new obstacle presents itself for Subaru to overcome. Episode Rating: Maintaining Review Summary With a new setting, new characters, and a new obstacle, the ever lovable Subaru has to use his wits, and pray for some luck, to once again survive a new challenge. Thankfully though, between the…

Re:Zero (Starting Life in Another World): Season 1/ Episode 3 “Starting Life from Zero in Another World” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Episode Overview We reach our first milestone as the Elsa battle finally doesn’t end in Subaru’s death. Episode Rating: Getting Better Trigger Warning(s): So much blood Review Summary With Subaru finally reaching a milestone comes some celebration, especially after an epic battle with Elsa. However, with Elsa deposed for now, so comes the question of…

Big Order: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Order! Awaken, Evil Powers! Big Destruction” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Episode Overview A young man named Eiji made but one wish and he learns, as the old saying goes “be careful what you ask for.” Episode Rating: Stick Around Trigger Warning(s): Blood from impaling Review Summary Despite having likable characters, there is something very bland about the world we are introduced to.

Re:Zero (Starting Life in Another World): Season 1/ Episode 2 “Reunion with the Witch” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Episode Overview Subaru tries not once, but twice to reach his original goal of getting Satella’s insignia back, and it seems he may get stuck on this goal for a little while. Episode Rating: Maintaining Trigger Warning(s): A few scenes of blood splatter, but not as graphic as the first episode. Review Summary While Re:Zero…

Re:Zero (Starting Life in Another World): Season 1/ Episode 1 “The End of the Beginning and Beginning of the End” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Episode Overview A young man named Subaru finds himself suddenly in a parallel world. However, unlike most transported to a foreign land, he is without a special weapon, magical power, or even someone he can readily hang onto. But luckily for him he does have one power, but said power only is available when he…

Endride: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Ride” [Series Premiere] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Episode Overview A boy simply trying to bring his dad home from work, on his birthday, finds himself stumbling into a world which is encased inside a crystal. Episode Rating: Don’t Watch Review Summary In general, I’m not a big action anime or live action fan. On top of that, when it comes to the…

Dimension W: Season 1/ Episode 12 “The Future Reached” [Series Finale] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Episode Overview Dimension W comes to an end and brings closure to many of the topics brought up since the beginning. Review Summary While Dimension W’s assumed series finale is better than GATE’s assumed season finale, again there is this feeling that more could have been done. Yet, considering Dimension W was a good show…

Dimension W: Season 1/ Episode 5 “The Possibilities of the Dead” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview In “The Possibilities of the Dead” we find ourselves really getting to see the power of the Numbers coils, as well as learning the truth about what happened in the past and how they influence the present. Trigger Warning(s): Torture, Attempted Sexual Assault, and Exposed Bones

Dimension W: Season 1/ Episode 2 “Loser” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview A possible villain named “Loser” comes out of the shadows once again to attempt to steal a priceless piece of art and Kyoma is tasked with taking the illegal coils Loser uses in his heist. Leading to the reveal that Dr. Yurizaki’s story isn’t as unique as one once thought. Trigger Warning(s): Body Horror

Dimension W: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Collector” [Series Premiere] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Sometime in the future, where gas is a luxury, a company known as New Tesla has developed coils which can power anything and everything. Leading to a strong political presence, and many bootleggers. This story seemingly will be about one old school dude, who prefers gas over electric, keeping illegal coils out of the…

Divine Gate: Season 1/ Episode 1 “Endless Rain” [Series Premiere] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview In a world where demons, humans, and faeries co-exist, though not like Kekkai Sensen, there is a fairy tale about the Divine Gate. Something perhaps only people with elemental abilities can reach and, if they do, they are granted a wish. However, between discovery of powers and the possibility of reaching the gate, they…

Beautiful Bones – Sakurako’s Investigation: Season 1/ Episode 1 “The First Bone – The Princess Who Loves Bones” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview A strange anime dealing with a bone-obsessed young woman, and a young man who acts as her voice of reason for her obsession often leads to insensitive comments and misunderstood actions.

Arslan Senki: Season 1/ Episode 2 “Chapter II: Age Fourteen, Maiden Battle” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Arslan experiences his maiden battle, he also experiences his first major betrayal. Luckily for him though, he has more friends than enemies. Topic 1: The Issues with Uncertainty – Supreme General Vahriz, Arslan, and Cavalry Captain Daryun Topic 2: Hellfire and Dead Bodies – Arslan Topic 3: A Knight in Shining Armor –…

Arslan Senki: Season 1/ Episode 1 “The Glory of Ecbatana” [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Arslan Senki’s premiere episode sets an almost perfect foundation for the series. For with their being a culture clash, which leads to war; characters with enough personality to remember their unique names; and there seemingly being only a focus on characters and story, rather than ecchi moments, this series definitely stands out amongst the…

Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End): Season 1/ Episode 1 “The World of Blood Legacy” [Series Premiere] – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview A vampire population releases a virus which wipes out the majority of the human race, who are over 13, and those left alive become blood banks. Though it seems one young man, given a severe reason for vengeance, maybe the one who turns the tide. Studio: Wit Studio

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 24 “From Now On” [Season Finale] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As the team gains the Yellow Dragon, there comes a moment’s peace to plan the group’s next move. Topic 1: Well Hello Jeno – Yona Topic 2: What’s Yona’s Next Move? – Yona Review (with Spoilers) – Below

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 23 “Morning of Promise” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With a short appearance from Su-Won comes a moment of reflection for Yona before it is decided that she will leave Awa. Topic 1: Hello to Old Faces – Su-Won & Yona Topic 2: It’s Hard To Say Goodbye – Yona & Jeaha Review (with Spoilers) – Below

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 21 “Spark” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview This episode seemingly is the one before Yan Kumji will face off against Yona and her men, that is if they get to her in time. Topic 1: Patiently Waiting – Jeaha, Sinha, Gija, and Hak Topic 2: Striking Fear Into Enemies, And Inspiring A Nation – Yona & Yun

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 19 “The Senjuso Test” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview While Yona is in pursuit of proving herself to captain Gigan, she seems to impress more than just her. Topic 1: Up On A Cliff With Hope, Perseverance, and Ambition – Yona Topic 2: You Like Her, Don’t You? – Yona, Hak, and Jeaha Review (with Spoilers) – Below

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn): Season 1/ Episode 17 “The Pirates of Awa” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview The Green Dragon, Jeaha, is introduced and it seems he is very much unlike the other dragons. Topic 1: Awa Port – Hak Topic 2: The New Guy In Town – Hak & Jeaha Topic 3: A Pirate’s Life For Me! – Jeaha Review (with Spoilers) – Below