Game of Thrones: Season 7/ Episode 5 “Eastwatch” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
A slew of reunions come about and only three lead to smiling faces. The rest lead you to believe someone is going to die.
A slew of reunions come about and only three lead to smiling faces. The rest lead you to believe someone is going to die.
Introduction If most of the season has been building to something, it must have been this episode. For once more Jon Snow brings the action to the series, as he meets up with the free folk on their turf. Though, I should note, it isn’t them he squares off with, but the dreaded White Walkers….
Overview The things people will do for love is an ongoing theme. Though, as always with Game of Thrones, mentions of love never solely deal with the love of another person. No, love and this show is almost always about power and for many it is the continued pursuit of it, or the longing for…
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