Tokyo Ghoul Season 1


Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 12 "Ghoul" [Season Finale] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Kaneki is tortured, Rize becomes his twisted therapist trying to help him understand how odd it is to take all the pain he receives and not give any back. Review (with Spoilers) With the manga ending this week, and the first season, hopefully, ending also this week, it is a hard time to…


Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 11 "High Spirits" – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As the CCG/ Doves go to war with the Aogiri, Kaneki deals with being tortured by Jason as he awaits the chance to escape. Review (with Spoilers) With there being no reason to really support the ghoul faction of Aogiri, much less the CCG, I must admit their face off really doesn’t mean anything…


Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 9 "Birdcage" – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As those of the 11th ward prep for war, the 20th ward members enjoy the calm before the storm. Review (with Spoilers) With Mr. Mado dead, it does present the worry that perhaps Amon would become the new head villain, or maybe Tsukiyama would return. However, instead of that, we are presented the idea…


Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 8 "Circular" – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview A deadly face off happens in which only one is allowed to live to tell what happened. Review (with Spoilers) This episode is mostly about discovering the ignorance of the doves/ CCG when it comes to ghouls. For while they are hell bent on genocide, it seems doves haven’t really studied what created ghouls,…


Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 7 "Captivity" – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With Ryoko’s death begins Toka’s call for war in which she enacts the first attack. Review (with Spoilers) With Ryoko’s murder by the hands of Mr. Mado comes the question of not only why there is a ghoul genocide against those like Ryoko, but also what happens to ghouls who retaliate? Though those questions…

Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 6 “Cloudburst” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With Tsukiyama taken down, the doves and Jason return to prominence. Review (with Spoilers) The relationship between Hinami and Ryoko is the primary focus after Toka and Tsukiyama face off. Driving the idea that while ghouls can be fearsome and dangerous creatures, they at the same time are more than capable of creating families,…


Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 5 “Scar” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Though Kaneki appears free, Tsukiyama lurks in the shadows waiting on his delectable prey. Review (with Spoilers) Tsukiyama is such a great villain, but I do feel censorship ruins the episode for all the blood and gore gets blurred out. But, to compensate for the gory bits being censored, we do get quite a…


Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 4 “Supper” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As our knowledge of the ghoul community expands, so does the number of threats Kaneki may face. Review (with Spoilers) With every ghoul introduced you are forced to wonder if they are friend or foe for, as we learned with Rize, the friendliest of ghouls can have the vilest intentions. But questions about who…


Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 3 “Dove” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As our knowledge of the ghoul community grows, so does the threat to their existence. Review (with Spoilers) By the end of the episode, there is one question which lingered in my thoughts: How does one become a ghoul? With Kaneki the process was getting Rize’s organs, but how did an elderly man and…


Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 2 “Incubation” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As Kaneki continues to try to fight being a ghoul/ Rize’s encouragement, he almost starves himself to madness. Review (with Spoilers) With this being only the 2nd episode, we still are in the introductory phase of getting to know the main characters. And while there seems to be something brooding in the background, I…


Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1/ Episode 1 "Tragedy" [Series Premiere] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview In a less twisted than expected first episode, we meet Kaneki and learn about the ghoul epidemic. Trigger Warning(s): Body Mutilation Review (with Spoilers) Every season there is at least one twisted looking anime which comes out. But unlike horror movies from America, twisted animes usually have a good plot and have something to…