The Rising of the Shield Hero: Season 1, Episode 25 “The Rising of the Shield Hero” [Season Finale] – Recap, Review (with Spoilers)
While The Rising of the Shield Hero technically comes to an end, it may actually be a new beginning.
While The Rising of the Shield Hero technically comes to an end, it may actually be a new beginning.
In its penultimate episode, L’Arc and Therese reveal their true selves and Glass makes a long-awaited appearance.
What begins as just a regular day of defeating monsters and the Cardinal Heroes bickering turns into a stark realization.
Despite Naofumi’s name being cleared, there remains many issues keeping the Cardinal Heroes from being on the same page.
In pursuit of making things right with Naofumi, Queen Mirellia Q. Melromarc seems willing to go to drastic means that even disturb Naofumi.
As followers of the Pope die, so comes the question of whether or not one of the heroes may sacrifice themselves, Naofumi in particular, to save the rest?
As Pope Balmus attempts to eviscerate the Cardinal Heroes, a few surprises appear and we’re clued in that Naofumi may get some reinforcements.
The true mastermind behind Naofumi being harassed and treated like a social pariah reveals themselves to us.
As Fitoria presents her ultimatum, the other heroes may have walked into a trap.
Never mind the beasts from the last episode, all eyes are on the Filolial queen Fitoria.
Raphtalia’s childhood up until when she was purchased by Naofumi is uncovered, and it is a tear-inducing tale.
With being unable to cross into Siltvelt, the team encounters someone connected to Raphtalia’s past as someone’s slave.
Are you tired of Myne? I’m tired of Myne, and luckily the heroes are reminded that she isn’t the benevolent person she pretends to be.
While you may think the battle between the heroes and Glass would be the highlight of the episode, oh you got another thing coming!
While the 2nd wave has far more interesting battles than the first, it is the arrival of the character Glass that will be noteworthy.
It seems Melty has a mission which could change Melromarc for better or worse. Also, Itsuki and Ren seem on the verge of fighting Naofumi.
Naofumi finds himself involved with a young girl named Melty, thanks to Filo, and he is under the impression she may bring nothing but trouble.
Remember that dragon Ren supposedly killed? Well, Naofumi and his girls end up having to face it because Ren didn’t finish the job.
Raphtalia has it bad for Naofumi, as does Filo, and both are beginning to make plans on how to make him theirs.
As Raphtalia gets jealous of Filo growing closer to Naofumi, we’re given an update on what the other heroes are doing.
We’re informally introduced to another kingdom this episode, alongside seeing that Myne and her father truly are trash.
The Riding of the Shield Hero kicks things up a notch as Naofumi, once more, is coerced to play the villain thanks to Myne.
Naofumi and Raphtalia experience their first demon wave, and Raphtalia begins to hear whispers of Naofumi’s past.
Naofumi gets his first follower and may begin to show the world the rumors about him are untrue.
The Following is a list of cast and characters from the Crunchyroll program The Rising of the Shield Hero and their status at the end of the season(s).
The Rising of the Shield Hero lives up to what its trailer hyped and may provide oh so much more.
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