Game of Thrones: Season 7/ Episode 5 “Eastwatch” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
A slew of reunions come about and only three lead to smiling faces. The rest lead you to believe someone is going to die.
A slew of reunions come about and only three lead to smiling faces. The rest lead you to believe someone is going to die.
Overview With such a long history between many characters, and backstabbing happening as is seen fit, it is sometimes hard to know who is on whose side. Something which gets the slightest bit more complicated as some go, return, and sometimes even say goodbye. Trigger Warning(s): Murder (Hanging), Blood Major Characters Mentioned Arya | Daenerys…
Overview With a tease of death, the return of a familiar face, and the buildup to the remaining Starks taking Winterfell back, Cersei and the High Sparrow, and Jamie against the Blackfish, the episode rebounds from the mundane nature of the last one. Trigger Warning(s): Blood
Overview New alliances are formed, others strengthened, but being this is Game of Thrones there is always someone willing, and ready, to backstab. Review (with Spoilers) As we creep further and further toward the finale, you are left wondering if The Purple Wedding will be the sole big event of the season. Well, from what…
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