Fingernails – Review and Summary
“Fingernails” is a sluggish two hour movie which lacks a hook.
“Fingernails” is a sluggish two hour movie which lacks a hook.
What better way to end 2023 Pride than a movie like “Nimona,” which reminds you how quickly hate spreads when powered by fear and the power behind being able to self-identify?
Sound of Metal has the performances needed to make it a stirring, likely Oscar-caliber movie, but after a certain point, it overstays its welcome.
Overview You know how a movie builds, peaks and usually, ends just before you are sick and tired of it? Well, this episode is just like that and you can only hope future episodes have that same high to low or this is going to be a long journey. Rating: Stick Around Trigger Warning(s): Mutilated…
Between Louis’s persistence and madness, Jake Gyllenhaal has undoubtedly found himself a film which likely will be linked to his career as much a Donnie Darko and Brokeback Mountain.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.