Ready To Love: Season 4/ Episode 14 [Finale] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
Alongside announcing the next city Ready To Love is going to, we learn whether the promo featuring Joel and Verneashia was a ruse or there are serious issues there.
Alongside announcing the next city Ready To Love is going to, we learn whether the promo featuring Joel and Verneashia was a ruse or there are serious issues there.
The drama begins as people see confessionals and get rightfully put in the hot seat.
It has been ten weeks since everyone first met, and now it is decision time – Who will end up in a relationship and who will have just gained experience?
While we end up with four final couples, by the end of the episode, it’ll be real clear to you we’ll still just end up with three after the finale.
As the last episode’s drama dies down, many are forced to recognize “The Process” is nearly over and decisions need to be made, or you will be eliminated.
Prepare for an entire episode full of drama, from the elimination scenes in the beginning to people exposing other people’s business.
I don’t know who thought it was good to have these men meet the ladies’ exes, but while it gives good drama, it also blows up some matches.
As the numbers dwindle and things get serious, a few red flags lead to some guys abandoning the women who have been their top pick since the beginning.
With there still being some men who haven’t made multiple strong connections, again, there is the question of whether to do a double elimination or give a second chance?
Once again, it appears knowing who is dating who is causing jealousy and biting people in the ass. However, with the men in control, they try to nip that in the bud.
One of the bottom two may have made an end-game connection with someone as the ladies choose a man to eliminate.
Two women are eliminated, with one just barely making it because one guy started to have a connection with her.
The following is a cast guide for the OWN program “Ready To Love” and its spin-offs.
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