
Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 10 “Little Mustachioed Shit” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview With a 2nd Piper episode comes a rehash on her relationship with Alex, but luckily the episode is saved by Red and Vee’s continuing issues. Review (with Spoilers) I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for Vee and Red’s little back and forth, and all the people they bring into their drama, this…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 5 “Low Self Esteem City” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview As racial divides worsen, so does the overall condition of the prison. Review (with Spoilers) I am 5 episodes into this marathon and still haven’t gotten bored. Though I must admit I find it so odd how Sophia has been virtually absent on the show, especially considering Laverne Cox’s profile probably benefitted the most…

Orange is the New Black: Season 2/ Episode 4 “A Whole Other Hole” – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview We discover the truth about Christopher as Red seeks to reestablish herself, as does Vee. Review (with Spoilers) I don’t know why I don’t remember season 1 having this format of which it features one specific character as everything else goes on. Be it because the featured characters of season 1 appealed more to…