Downton Abbey: Season 6/ Episode 8 – Overview/ Recap (with Spoilers)
Overview Between the death of a character, an injury, and a bit of good news, many characters find their lives shifting, often for the better. Though for one, if not two, it seems a reminder of how terrible life is maybe all they will get.
Overview We see a lot of people, from both upstairs and downstairs, ready for the future, but only if it goes their way. Making it so anyone who dares fathom or imagine something to the contrary are in for a harsh word.
Overview While those at Downton continue to try to protect Mr. Bates, and Edith tries to salvage her ability to see Marigold, mostly everyone else is dealing with their romantic relations. Review (with Spoilers) I must admit I felt a bit bored by this episode. For while Lord Grantham gets in a fight, and we…
Overview As we return to the Abbey, as usual drama awaits behind every door, in every field, and mischief is constantly on the mind. Review (with Spoilers) Bless the existence of the internet for otherwise I would have to wait who knows how many months for this to come to America. Of which I refuse…
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