Black Cake: Season 1/ Episode 8 “Nine Night” – Episode Recap/ Review
In the season finale, since there is stuff left over for a second season, Eleanor story ends and so many others begin.
In the season finale, since there is stuff left over for a second season, Eleanor story ends and so many others begin.
Mia Isaac returns as the year between Covey leaving Scotland and reuniting with Gilbert is filled, and answers what led Mabel to be snatched away.
As Covey tries to adjust to the name Eleanor, she finds herself unable to shake who she is, and when another tragedy strikes, it might be what helps keep her sane.
This is a character guide for Hulu’s “Bllack Cake,” with character descriptions, quotes, names of actors, and more.
“Black Cake” potentially fills the void of having a drama focused on Black people and the Black experience without focusing on people living in an urban area or who are rich and are bickering over status and money.
In the first two parts of Women Of The Movement, we’re reminded of the story of Emmett Till and explore the cover-up to keep him from being an international headline.
We’ve come to the point where things might be beyond June’s control, and she may be forced to realize she’s no different than Commander Lawrence’s Marthas.
It’s Jessica’s turn to hit the stand as Sonya breaks her down, Clay tries to figure a way for Bryce to be in Sonya and Dennis’ crosshairs for a rape charge.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.