
Orphan Black: Season 4/ Episodes 9 & 10 [Season Finale] – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

“The Mitigation of Competition” Overview As Susan and Cosima work on technical aspects, Sarah and Rachel are going for different methods to bring Evie down, and Helena reappears to check up on her sestras. Trigger Warning(s): Suicide (Post-death) | Body Horror | Graphic Murder | Blood (Gore) |

Orphan Black: Season 4/ Episode 5 to 8 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Human Raw Material Overview Things slow down a bit as the episode takes aim at Brightborn and Felix’s new sister Adele. Leading to nothing too great or drastic being revealed, but a reintroduction of Krystal, Cosima getting to do an investigation, with Donnie of all people, and a reminder that Allison used to be a…