
Orphan Black: Season 4/ Episode 5 to 8 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Human Raw Material Overview Things slow down a bit as the episode takes aim at Brightborn and Felix’s new sister Adele. Leading to nothing too great or drastic being revealed, but a reintroduction of Krystal, Cosima getting to do an investigation, with Donnie of all people, and a reminder that Allison used to be a…

Orphan Black: Season 4/ Episodes 1 to 4 – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

“The Collapse of Nature” Episode Overview Orphan Black returns and in order to introduce a new clone, M.K., we flashback and primarily focus on Beth. Episode Rating: Getting Better Review Summary While I did put Orphan Black on the cutting block last year when I was doing way too many reviews, I caught up with…