Station Eleven: Season 1/ Episode 2 “A Hawk From A Handsaw” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
The show shifts its focus to make it clear Kirsten is the lead as we bounce back and forth between 20 years in the future and around Day Zero.
The show shifts its focus to make it clear Kirsten is the lead as we bounce back and forth between 20 years in the future and around Day Zero.
While slow at first, once we’re introduced to Jeevan and his new best friend Kirsten, we get that classic father/ daughter type bond that will likely carry the series.
We’ve come to the end of Marcus’ story, and so comes the question of whether he’ll stick the landing or will show, despite the years that have passed, Marcus still has much to learn?
The pandemic hits, and with that comes a lot of reflection for Marcus. Thus leading to multiple shifts in his life.
What starts as a rather dull episode leads to a raised eyebrow as we learn Kian is dating a familiar face.
In this Mia-focused episode, you may end up wishing she took over for Darby instead of Marcus.
As Marcus comes to terms with what Becca revealed to him, Mia reminds him of what he has long wanted.
Through focusing on Marcus’ personal life, while touching upon his dalliances with women, Love Life finally gets some heart this season.
After a bit of F*** Boy relations, Marcus really tries to commit to someone. But is that his problem? Trying too hard?
We meet Marcus’ parents this episode, and he gets the opportunity to see an old crush who has a mutual interest.
We jump into a more stable future for both Molly and Issa, but what were the sacrifices made for what we see?
While dealing with the fallout from what happened in episode 1, Marcus tries to figure out what’s next by taking inventory of who is available to hang out.
While fans of season 1 will miss Darby, our new lead, Marcus, has a smooth transition as he takes the reins of Love Life.
In this pop epic, don’t expect much in the way of acting – it’s all about the visuals and music.
A guide for the film “The Suicide Squad.” Noted are cast members, information about their character(s), and additional details about the film’s story and characters.
James Gunn brings his style/ the Marvel formula to DC and creates one of the funniest, tear-inducing, action-packed DC movies ever.
Genera+ion, while flawed, more than makes up for its low points by featuring queer people of color who bring a wealth of diverse stories.
In this post, you’ll find quotes and .gifs from the HBO Max series, “Genera+ion.”
All hell breaks loose at Riley’s party in the season finale, and we end things with far more drama than happy endings.
The episode hones in on a party Megan throws for the kids, with the focus on Chester, Mark, and, once again, Riley.
It’s a complete Riley-focused episode, and while she is going through a lot, it’s probably one of the most enjoyable episodes in a while.
Everything is focused on one gay club where we watch recently built relationships begin to crumble.
The Cooper dilemma is handled, but despite the compromise made, someone still loses out in the long run.
This episode is heavily focused on Riley, Greta, and Greta’s family this episode, and that’s why it is damn near perfect.
While everyone struggles with romance, some encouragement goes a long way and gives most a day/night to remember.
In Genera+ion’s return, some time has passed, thus allowing for the potential of reconciliation for many – but maybe not Sam.
Made For Love is the type of show that fits into the streaming wars demand for content, no matter how quirky or niche the product.
Genera+ion might represent the next generation of youth dramas which contain a whole new slew of problems, but they all boil down to the same you’re used to.
Made For Love ends on a high note as Byron gets honest, Hazel makes a final decision, and you might be left teary-eyed.
With Herb stepping up, Hazel tries to return the favor. Though with Byron trying to throw surprises her way, it seems she may never truly get normalcy.
Herb finally does something which could help Hazel, as Fiffany tries to maintain her morality despite all the money she could get from violating Hazel.
As Hazel searches for a divorce attorney, Fiffany starts making the necessary moves to get the chip out of Hazel and sell it for a mint.
A character guide for HBO Max’s “Made For Love.” Included is information about characters and noteworthy information about the series they’re in.
“I Want a New Life” covers the day, ten years ago, when Byron gave Hazel that wish – at the expense of her best friend who gives life to Made For Love.
Alongside learning how Bryon and Hazel came to be, it becomes clear they were at their end for quite a while.
We learn a bit about Hazel’s father, Herb, and his new relationship, as well as how Byron got a chip into Hazel’s brain.
You think stalking is bad enough now with social media, imagine being linked by a chip to someone who was supposedly the love of your life – and trying to get away.
In what is billed as the season 1, part 1 finale – Genera+ion leaves us with some hope as the healing process begins after the events of episode 7.
In Tina, we get one last goodbye from the legend who, with books, movies, and a musical about her life, wishes to move on from the past and enjoy the present and future.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.