P-Valley: Season 2/ Episode 1 “Pussyland” [Premiere] – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
All of your favorites are back, and with the pandemic lockdown being lifted, it is time to get back to work!
Amari is the founder and head writer of Wherever-I-Look.com and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.
All of your favorites are back, and with the pandemic lockdown being lifted, it is time to get back to work!
We’ve come to the chaotic end of not only the show but the Sex Pistols as a band.
While Nancy storms into “Pistol” and makes a name for herself, Chrissie continues to show herself as the beating heart of a show dedicated to chaos.
Malcolm exerts his authority, which triggers Viv to see the real face of the man she lives with, and Glen to see who pulls the strings of the Sex Pistols.
Darth Vader speaks and is on the move, as Reva shows herself to be the only competent one amongst idiots with the intelligence of the average Stormtrooper.
In this post, you’ll find collected quotes from movies, TV Shows, and interviews collected during the month of May 2022.
So much yet so little happens as the Sex Pistols gain steam and influence and Chrissie gets married.
As the Sex Pistols form and start to perform, you may come to realize “Pistol” lacks the expected edge.
The story of the Sex Pistols begins with a sad, lonely, but charming boy named Steve Jones trying to prove he is more than his molester says he is.
At the end of Part 1 of Season 4, Vecna reveals his backstory as Murray and Joyce hope they’ll be able to save Hopper and not arrive in time to see him die.
Alongside seeing Suzie’s hectic household, we learn why El killed everyone at the facility, and the cops announce Eddie as a suspect in a Hawkins Town Hall.
We catch up with El as the Hawkins gang investigates Victor Creel’s house, Jason closes in on Eddie, and we learn the fate of Hopper, Joyce, and Murray.
In a Clare-focused episode, she gives her side of the story from when she was 6 to when she was in her teens and all the way up until she is 20 and meets Henry.
Victor Creel is met face to face as Max finds herself face to face with Vecna. Oh, and things get interesting for those in California/Alaska.
As Faraday breaks the hold of being raised as a second-class citizen, Spencer makes his intentions clear and preps for other government agencies to soon swoop in.
Another day, another series of events that remind the First Ladies that their husbands’ desire to win elections likely matters more than why they decided to be President.
As Nance and Dustin lead investigative teams, familiar faces come to El’s rescue after the events of the last episode.
As El has her own kind of “Carrie” moment, Vecna finds a new victim to add onto the one from episode 1.
Stranger Things returns a bit more violent, with older cast members, and you beginning to see that everyone may not split up just because of distance.
“Love Death + Robots” Volume III may not have the same story diversity as past volumes, but it is still a fun time for those who love animation.
As we learn why Reva is so desperate to get Obi-Wan, we’re given an idea of where this series will go.
Obi-Wan Kenobi seems to desire to fill in the gaps the movies don’t cover and give you an idea of Leia’s childhood since Luke’s is already well known.
While Julia has enjoyed praise for quite some time, and maybe men not getting it, a woman criticizing her program is taken to heart.
With great success comes influence and power, but knowing when and how to use it is a problem for many in Julia’s circle.
9-1-1 is more of the same, as it delivers daring rescues and a slew of forgettable guest stars. However, more than ever, there is the vibe it wants you to see everyone get their moment in the sun with dedicated episodes.
A summary of how A Perfect Pairing (2022) ended and whether a prequel or sequel is possible.
A summary of how Men (2022) ended and whether a prequel or sequel is possible.
A summary of how Sneakerella (2022) ended and whether a prequel or sequel is possible.
As Julia sees how far-reaching her influence is, Alice tries to deal with her receiving little to no credit, never mind the benefits of the deal she made for Julia.
A summary of how Firestarter (2022) ended and whether a prequel or sequel is possible.
A reference guide for Netflix’s “Vampire In The Garden,” including character descriptions, names of actors, quotes from the series, and more.
Season 3 of Atlanta is about growth from the main cast and Glover flexing on the strength of Atlanta nearly every other episode.
For those thinking they need to watch the movie to understand Showtime’s The Man Who Fell To Earth, you are not missing much.
Prepare to cry as 28 Year Old Henry lets Clare in on a secret that she has been keeping from her for 14 years.
The different presidents are forced to remember who they married, as their wives take on unpopular, if not outright damaging causes or positions.
While Jibaro is beautiful, it is dull enough to pause, do something else, and then return to.
In a short so good you wish you were playing it, In Vaulted Halls Entombed feels like a series of cut scenes from a AAA game.
Vermin are invading forces, and Mason decides, with them escalating things, he is going to match their energy and surpass them.
Swarm is one of the first from Volume III which pushes you to want a sequel if/when we get a volume IV.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.