Why Does Nobody Remember Me In This World  S1 / E1 – Episode Recap & Review

Amari Allah

Review By

Tatsuma Minamikawa

Directed by

Satoru Sugizawa


Written By

Released via: Crunchyroll

Recap/ Review

In a post-war world, we meet Kai and the Uzra Federations’ Humanity Aegis Agency members, who watch over the graveyard of humanity’s enemies.


Kai is perhaps one of the few of his team, comprised of Ashran, Saki, and himself, who will stay with the agency past his required time.


This, for one of the agency's stars, Jeanne, is a good thing, but just as she is going to confess her feelings, the world resets.

Recap/ Review

This causes Kai to end up in a world where humanity didn’t win the Great War of the Five Races – and no one remembers who he is.

Recap/ Review

As of the beginning of the series, you do have to appreciate the world-building, and while the characters fit the usual archetypes, they have potential.

Recap/ Review

In addition, the action most should find good enough to find entertaining. Granted, there isn't a lot in episode 1, but enough is seen to get the vibe.

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