The Gentlemen - Season 1

Austin Estrada

Review By

Guy Ritchie

Created By

Action, Comedy, and Crime

March 7, 2024


Released (Netflix)


Eddie Horniman inherits a weed-growing empire from his father that is not only illegal but comes with a slew of headaches - mainly in the form of people.


This leads to Eddie wanting to sell the property, Halstead Manor, and some like Susie, trying to prevent that by any means possible.


But Eddie wanting to sell becomes the least of everyone's problems as a murder happens and the criminal world all begins to take an interest in Halstead Manor.

Review Summary

In 'The Gentlemen,' Guy Ritchie portrays inept leaders in a comedic twist on masculinity and power dynamics, adding laughter to his signature style.

Review Summary

'The Gentlemen' begins with a man in a chicken costume snorting cocaine. This sets the tone and makes it clear this isn't for those seeking subtlety.

Who Is this For?

Fans of dark comedy, crime comedies, witty dialogue, and British comedies will love "The Gentlemen."

Series Directory

Check out the full review for this season and check out the character guide by clicking the link below.