Dear Child - Season 1

Austin Estrada

Review By

Isabel Kleefeld

Created By

Drama, Mystery, Thriller, & Non-English (German)

September 7, 2023


Released (Netflix)


Lena, Hannah, and Jonathan are being held captive by a man known as "Papa." One day, Lena and Hannah escape, and upon discovery, an older couple are asked to confirm if Lena is their child.


Strangely, despite the same name and right age, they don't believe Lena is, but Hannah? They say she has an uncanny resemblance to their missing daughter. Thus begins the search for answers.

Noted  Characters and Cast

Lena (Kim Riedle) Hannah (Naila Schuberth) Matthias Beck (Justus Von Dohnányi) Kerin Beck (Julika Jenkins) Gerd Bühling (Hans Löw) Aida Kurt (Haley Louise Jones)

Review Summary

"Dear Child" starts strong by throwing viewers into an unsettling situation and its first episode sets up a cliffhanger that leaves the audience wanting more.

Review Summary

However, over the course of 6 episodes, it can feel the show contains a bit too much filler, and things are not explained well despite each episode being over 45 minutes.

Who Is this For?

Fans of missing person mysteries, murder mysteries, and psychological thrillers may all potentially enjoy “Dear Child.”

"Room" also focuses on two people kidnapped, a mother and the son she had with her kidnapper, how she escaped and her life after escaping.