A Good Girl's Guide To Murder S1 / E6 Episode Recap & Review

Amari Allah

Review By

Tom Vaughan

Directed by

Poppy Cogan


Written By

Released (BBC Three)


Isla seemingly was just a girl who reminded Elliot of Andie, and like so many on this show, he wanted someone to confess to without repercussion.


But with Elliot taking the fall for Sal's death, since he killed him, it is assumed he killed Andie too, but evidence pushes the idea that's unlikely.


The truth is, Becca landed the final blow and hid Andie's body, after Andie's fight with Elliot, and Andie revealing she sold Max the drugs that he used to assault Becca.


A part of me wants to question people holding a secret for five years and confessing to Pip of all people


I get Pip comes off mousey, but clearly she is like a dog with a bone and has people who care about her, so why confess like she won't do anything?


It is the one thing that was a bit off about the entire season. But, again, Emma Myers has more than enough to make you forgive what doesn't make logical sense.

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