A Good Girl's Guide To Murder S1 / E4 Episode Recap & Review

Amari Allah

Review By

Tom Vaughan

Directed by

Zia Ahmed, Poppy Cogan


Written By

Released (BBC Three)


Things continue with the investigation and the closer Pip and Ravi get to the truth, the closer the two become.


However, after Dan reveals a video of Sal going ballistic while being questioned, so comes the thought that maybe Sal wasn't who Pip thought he was.


Her conveying her losing faith affects things with Ravi and pushes Naomi to make a confession which may clear Sal but incriminate her.


Seeing Pip begin to not only lose faith in Sal but Victor definitely made it seem this was getting real for her.


Add in Dan's sob story, and it finally seems to hit home that she is awakening something in the small village she is in.


However, with Naomi's desire to confess something, it seems there are more layers to peel back before we get the truth.

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